A little help with my religion


Junior Member

You see the problem is that whenever something bad happens to me I feel it is Allah's punishment towards me and i feel like He SWT is displeased with me.This is why I feel like im not close to Allah because i always feel like im doing something wrong and that His punishihg me for it and for most of the time His displeased with me

Please bros/sis with your knowledge. Telll me am i being paranoid ? whatever misfortunes befalls upon me are not necessarily punishments from Allah Almighty ?? is it Please bros/sis Help me and May Allah SWT Bless you all.


Junior Member

Brother as long as you do what Allah subhanahu wa taaala ordered you to do and don't disobey him then you are on the safe side InshaAllah.
Please read the following:

Is your life full of trails and misfortune?

Bismillah Aslmum Alaykum

This is from something I read and wish to share, cause it made me thing twice about my affairs.

We have to brace ourselvers for any trail or misfortune, we have to compare our afflictions with those of people around us and those before us. Then, we can see how minor our trails and suffering are and that we are safe and sound. We should be grateful to Allah (swt) for His kindness and anticipate His reward for remaining patient in time of trails and disasters.

We should always follow the example of Prophet (pbuh) He (pbuh) was injured in His face, His feet bleeding, besieged and later expelled from Makkah, accusations made of His honour by a slanderous lie againt his wife Aishah, seventy of his Companions were killed. He lost his Son and Daughters during his lifetime, he had to fasten a stone on his stomach because of hunger, he was accused of being a poet, insane, a sorcerer and a liar. However Allah (swt) has procted him and help him overcome his trails. For us, the Prophet's (pbuh) life should be an example to emulate........

So may qusetion now is how small are our trails?

Wa alaykum Salam
What can my enemies do to me? I have in my breast both my heaven and my garden. If I travel they are with me, never leaving me. Imprisonment for me is a chance to be alone with my Lord. To be killed is martyrdom and to be exiled from my land is a spiritual journey. Ibn Taymiyah

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال

You see the problem is that whenever something bad happens to me I feel it is Allah's punishment towards me and i feel like He SWT is displeased with me.This is why I feel like im not close to Allah because i always feel like im doing something wrong and that His punishihg me for it and for most of the time His displeased with me

Please bros/sis with your knowledge. Telll me am i being paranoid ? whatever misfortunes befalls upon me are not necessarily punishments from Allah Almighty ?? is it Please bros/sis Help me and May Allah SWT Bless you all.

Wa'alaykummusalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

Brother, try not to think too negative on what had happened to you. Even if it's a bad thing. What you face in life, be it a hardship/calamity or even an abundance of wealth, it is a test from Allaah.

When you are tested with hardship, Allaah wants to test your patience. When you are tested with easiness, Allaah wants to test either you are grateful to Him or not.

Tests in life. Each and everyone of us face it in this duniya. But how do we know that if that test is a blessing from Allaah or a punishment from The Al-Mighty?

If the result of that test brings you closer and purer to Allaah, then know that it was a blessing. Even if the test meant that you lost almost everything, everything in your life. It was Blessings in Disguise.

But if the result of that test was that it brings you farther away from Allaah, then indeed it was a punishment from Allaah. Perhaps a punishment from Allaah so that that test may purify your soul.

Do keep in mind one thing, though. That always, always think good of Allaah. Always. We not only think good [husnu dhon] to human beings but also to Our Creator. Because know that, He subhanahu wa Ta'ala loves you so much. Love His Slaves more than a mother who loves her baby.

An analogy for you to think: Imagine that there are many non-believers, atheists, sinners in this world [as well as the pious, alhamdulillah] but yet, Allaah still shower His Mercies upon them. Allaah still gives them food, let them breathe and Allaah still let them live on His Earth! We sin and we seek forgivness from Allaah. How Allaah is Al-Ghafur. On the contrary, sometimes, when we do one small mistake to a friend, how long did it take for him/her to forgive us *completely*?

Our goal in this life is that we hope and we pray to meet Allaah subhanahu wa Ta'ala someday with a sound heart. Qalbun saalim.

"The Day when there will not benefit [anyone] wealth or children

But only one who comes to Allah with a sound heart."

InshaAllaah, console your heart and mind with this ayaat:

"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not." [2:216]


Assalaam walaikum,


Now you know that I love you guys here...what did you think life was going to be all good things happening at all times..

You get close by salat. You get close by dhikr. You get close by zakat.

And my favorite one: this is simply what I do...I cry out to Him. I cry and hide nothing from Him. I cry to Him as if I am standing in a rainshower.

He is there, son. He is there.

One of the things I know..when we repent and ask for forgiveness it is quick. He forgives...the tough part is for us to accept His Love.

He loves us. He Loves us.

So quit and start rejoicing in life. Hey are you married....I know a lot of beautiful girls....thinking of starting a marriage business...without money...but for the Love of Allah...


I wouldn't say I'm a man of knowledge but from what you have described above it looks like you are low in imaan. Please answer these questions :

1) Do you pray five times a day?
2) Do you read the Holy Qur'an daily?
3) Do you remember Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala often?
4) Do you hold grudges in your heart?
5) Do you have love for your brothers and sisters?
6) Do you respect and obey your parents?


Junior Member
Allah is Rahmaan and Raheem


You see the problem is that whenever something bad happens to me I feel it is Allah's punishment towards me and i feel like He SWT is displeased with me.This is why I feel like im not close to Allah because i always feel like im doing something wrong and that His punishihg me for it and for most of the time His displeased with me

Please bros/sis with your knowledge. Telll me am i being paranoid ? whatever misfortunes befalls upon me are not necessarily punishments from Allah Almighty ?? is it Please bros/sis Help me and May Allah SWT Bless you all.

Bismillaahi rrahmaani-rraheem
(In name of Allah, The Most Beneficient [in here] and Merciful[in hereafter].

When a thought in me says I have done something wrong, its then time to reflect. Have I taken an incorrect decision and made bad choices? were these choices/decision for matters related to here or for hereafter? Are these choices and resulting actions, affecting my hereafter? Are the actions/intentions wrong in the eyes of Allah?? If the answer is yes, then its time for me to repent and never repeat... The punishment in hereafter is what we need to fear most. Like Ghazzali (ra) points out, a constant reminder of the ends helps. Prophet :saw: says "All doings are built on intentions,and every man will be rewarded or punished (for his work) according to his intention"

Almighty Allah, does indeed send down trials and afflictions to test us. To test the quality of Imaan in us. To strengthen our faith.. They are blessings in disguise.
Allah says in Holy Quran
"Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe", and that they will not be tested?" [29.2 Qur'an Translation ]

"And seek assistance through patience and prayer, and most surely it is a hard thing except for the humble ones."[2.45 Qur'an Translation ]

“Verily never will God change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves.” [13:11 Qur’an Translation ]

But if the worried are for worldly matters, then be glad, those can be overcome. This world is just a temporal journey. With right effort, prayers we can lead a decent life here... Almighty Allah is Rahmaan and Raheem.

It might help if you can clearly point to the nature of misfortune you face. Take help of people around you in your place. If you feel more open here, you can post in this forum too ...

May Almighty give us all the wherewithal to overcome difficulties... Ameen


Junior Member

Thank You Very much for your replies brothers and sisters

And sister Aapa I will Insha'Allah think very seriously about your offer lol