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  1. S

    Taliban and Polio in Pakistan

    Does Taliban have like a website or channel? I am not denying anything, I just don't know whether the claims come from them. I am not saying they are not violent and they are very peaceful and adorable. I know they do horrible things. But seriously banning vaccine? On what grounds exactly, on...
  2. S

    Taliban and Polio in Pakistan

    Hey everyone, I have a question about this whole Taliban/terrorism issue. How on earth does anyone know what they do or say or their motives/purpose behind their actions? I mean a normal interview doesn't seem plausible, since the interviewer might easily be killed/expose their location. And...
  3. S

    Word usage in the Quran.

    As salaam aleykum guys, I am personally fascinated by the study of how words are used in the Quran, kinda like how Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan studies the linguistics of the Quran. So I started this thread, for anyone who knows any fascinating facts about how words are used in the Quran. I will...