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  1. M

    Problem i am feeling down

    thank you so much for your reply
  2. M

    Problem i am feeling down

    Salaam im writing this in search of feeling so depressed and i feel bad because ive not prayed salah its like ive been drained of energy..i had a stroke just over 2 weeks ago and it has made me scared..i dont know what to do..i feel lost
  3. M

    Problem salaam i need help

    I am a convert to islam and i am struggling with my faith..i have physical illnesses and i have borderline personality disorder which is a mental illness i have bad mood swings and depression and i feel bad saying this but ive not prayed salah for a longtime. I need help as i am alone and there...
  4. M

    Salaam I am new and I need some advice

    Salaam alaikum I am a sister who is older and because I have physical illness I cannot get out problem is I live in a sheltered housing scheme and most of the residence are anti muslim I live alone so I joined this forum to meet other sisters. Problem is my i man is suffering and I'm at a loss...