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  1. D

    The Stickies On This Forum - And Help Needed...

    Asalamualikum All, I'm wondering if the moderators of this site can consolidate all the stickies into one major sticky? They're a bit... too much. :SMILY176: Also, Inshallah, by the Grace of Allah (swt) I am buying a house and will be moving in soon Inshallah. However, although it is...
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    Remember Me? - Divorced Now - More Depressed Than Ever

    Assalamualaikum All, I'm not sure if you all remember me. But quite a few months ago, I had posted about issues I was having with my husband. How he'd cheated on me several times - and was generally misbehaving. Well, he found someone on myspace, and we are now divorced...
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    Newsweek: Islam in America and Hijab in the US

    Hello Everyone, These two are very interesting articles. Breath of fresh air amongst all the negativity. ^ Hijab Article ^ Islam in America Please let...
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    Why Can't I post?

    I posted something serious, but I don't know if it posted or if I'm just not using this forum right. Help.
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    Need Advice - Serious Only Please

    Assalamu'alaikum everyone, I am new on this site, and am only here for advice. Serious advice please. I know my situation is in the hands of Allah (swt), but I don't know what to do. :( I don't know if what I'm doing is right, how long I should deal with it, or what I should do. I'm so...