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  1. S

    The Prophet's(SAW)wives

    Asalaa'ulaikum everyone, i've just got some general questions about the wives(may Allah be pleased with them) of the Prophet Muhammed (SAW)... 1) How many wives did the Prophet(SAW) have all together? 2) What were their names? 3) When did the Prophet(SAW) marry them? i.e. what time...
  2. S

    Hidden Double Nikkah?

    :salam2: Brothers and Sisters... My question is this...can you keep Nikkah in secret from your parents and can you do Nikkah twice? I have a girlfriend (friend who's a girl) who has a boyfriend whom she wishes to marry now in order to save themselves from Zina or further Zina than they...
  3. S

    Hijab Jihad

    :bismillah: :salam2: this is a thread to the sisters out there, particulary any revert sisters, I was just wondering if anyone had any inspiring stories of how they came to wearing hijab and how they found islam. I reverted on 26th of June 2006:ma: and began wearing Hijab straight away...