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  1. B


    salam sister, I am also reverted muslim from Lithuania, my husband is pakistani and we have one daughter. Would be interesting to get in touch with you as we have much in common as i see. I would be very happy to get to know someone whose husband is from pakistan as well as I don't have many...
  2. B

    Insite for Muslim women who were introduced to islam by a Husband, Father or Brother

    Assalam alaikum I think I might have a word to say on this topic as I was also one of these women who were introduced to Islam by their husbands. I'm not very proud to say that when I said Shahada I did it more to make my husband happy than for myself and my belief in Allah. But MashaAllah...
  3. B

    Assalam Alaikum

    Assalam Alaikum everyone, I'm very happy to join the forum and inshAllah get some knowledge about islam and make new friends. I am a muslim revert from Lithuania, muslim since last 3 years, got to know about islam with the help of my husband who is pakistani. Now we have have a little 7months...