Insite for Muslim women who were introduced to islam by a Husband, Father or Brother


New Member
As Salaamu Alaikum Brtoher and Siters.

A specific topic about converting has been on my mind for some time. I never had any outlet to give my opinion and reach other sisters or brothers who may have thought as I do. I would like to give words of respect and thankfulness, Mash Allah that Allah has blessed our hearts as Muslims.

In the city where I live many Muslims or non-Muslims make it "Taboo" or looked down upon for a sister to become a Muslim or make Shahada because of what they call "Male Influences"

I don’t believe that any man or human being can influence any other human being to submit to Allah (God).
In the last Surah of the Quran,

Surah 114 An Nas (Man Kind) it reads

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

1. Say: "I seek refuge with (Allah ) the Lord of Mankind,
2. The King of Mankind-
3. The Ila (God) of mankind,
4. From the evils of the whisper devil who whispers evil in the hearts of men) who draws (from his whispering in one's heart after one remembers Allah).
5. Who whispers in the breast of mankind.
6. Of jinn and men."

This means that only Allah can bless the hearts of mankind to believe and have submition and seek refuge in Allah.

For any sisters who were introduced to Islam by a Father, Brother or Husband or Son,
Il Hum Du lilha. Praise be to Allah and they will be blessed for it. Islam not oppression and I am
personally happy for anyone who learns of Islam and decides to convert or revert to Islam, by any means. My mother always told me that we were all born on this earth as Muslims and that a Muslim means submission to Allah.

For example A Muslim man can marry a non- Muslim woman, not in all cases of these marriages will the woman convert to Islam so this is a reminder to me of Surah An Nas.

Another example in the days of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) many of the Muslims men who heard the message of Allah before their wives did needed to introduce their Wives, Sisters , Daughters or Mothers to Islam and then with Allah's will they became a Muslim as well.
Islam is amazing it has changed my life in more than a million ways.

I am thankful and blessed ‘
not to have found Islam, but rather
Islam find me.

As Salaamu Alaikum


Junior Member

Alhamdulillah and :jazaak: for sharing sis
:salah: :tti_sister: May Allah swt keep us all in the straight path ,,give us strength thru all the tribulations and hopefully we all meet in jannah. Ameen ya Rabbal Alameen



Junior Member
Salaam aleikum

I think we as muslims, need to take better care of these women, who come to islam under direct influence of a man... Why? Because often, if they, God forbid, divorce, they often (NOT ALL, I am so NOT generalizing here, I cant stress that enough!!!) leave islam, sadly. They blame islam on them being dumped, and cant deal with the religion either.

We need to teach them proper islam, since many of them just follow "whatever their husbands might say today". For some, islam is not the religion itself, they could not care less about tawheed, shirk, taghoot or whatever, its just words to them, but they are fascinated by rituals and find it all so exotic and sweet.

I meet many of them online, through the islamic website in Norway, and i find it important that we take care of them, teach them, more than we do with the reverts who found islam themselves. They are "safe" in a way hehe.

Maria Norway

Junior Member
Completely agree with yu my norwegian sis!! I would like to stress that a woman, in my eyes that is, should not just 'follow whatever her husband' belives! When a woman decides to say shahada it should be a decision based on research of Islam and the Quran..

There are so many people out there who don't realise the beauty in Islam..for the women who took shahada for the sake/love of their husband...

First of all - It should be for the sake and love of Allah and Islam

Second of all - I hope they realise how fortunate they are to be muslims and I pray they will realise it and keep practicing!! Allah guides who he wills to paradise

Especially for women; there are so many blessings in just carrying out the femal giving birth, breastfeeding...etc.

Started to ramble on here but I pray all women, who for whatever reason have become muslim, realise that Allah has guided them adn he guides who he wills.. Take the oppotunity to be the best you can and live for the herafter...its forever..this life is not that long (lifeexpetancy for women in Norway is 80 something years...that's nothing compared to eternity!)



Junior Member
Salaam aleikum

On the other hand, many many sisters who found islam through their husbands, are strong, and mashaAllah, good sisters. I was just pointing to an issue among some of them. ;)


New Member
Assalam alaikum

I think I might have a word to say on this topic as I was also one of these women who were introduced to Islam by their husbands. I'm not very proud to say that when I said Shahada I did it more to make my husband happy than for myself and my belief in Allah. But MashaAllah, with the time my ideas have changed and they still are changing to the better, alhamdoulillah. It's a shame to admit that my husband isn't one of the practising muslims but inshaAllah, i hope he will understand his mistakes as I want nothing more than have a practissing muslim husband. What concerns my iman, it's growing every day, am searching internet on different topics on islam, reading books, etc. needless to say, my husband is very surprised and happy am changing to this side. He also admits he is not a good muslim and inshAllah his iman will also grow and we'll both be really good practising muslims one day.


New Member

We know for a fact that Allah does not want anybody to worship him or believe in him by force or under pressure. An individual should and must submit to almighty Allah willingly and voluntary and not by force. At that time only there will be special sweetness to a worship when a person worship Allah and inside his worship there is love, sincerity, and total submission to Allah and that will definitely will not come with force.....
