Search results

  1. H

    Hajj and children help

    Asalamu alaikum. Alhamdulilah I now have the opportunity to go to hajj I am a muslim sister with two small boys 2 years and 10 months. My mother cannot look after the children because she also has a baby. And we were also thinking of relocating to saudi arabia. Can you make hajj with your...
  2. H

    Obama and clinton

    why do so many muslims support Obama it really makes me feel weird. something about it does not seem right.
  3. H

    Asalamu alaikum

    I am a 20 year old sister from dominica. I am married. I am a sunni muslim. Oh Allah bless all of us muslims to remain firm on your deen ameen. I am hoping to meet other sisters. Check out my website, it will be open next week inshAllah