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  1. BroNfaith

    Speed Reading

    Day 3: Using the Index Finger :salam2: The lesson today was to run the index finger underneath the words which are being read. It increases the reading speed, as it helps eliminate the habit of unconcious regression that we do without knowing, according to the book. It was an unusual...
  2. BroNfaith

    Speed Reading

    Jazaka Allahu khairan brother. I'll try to blog my daily progress here in-sha'-Allah so that others can take heart in improving themselves. The muslim leader that everyone is waiting for to unite the muslims will need competent people to work with in order to succeed. He can't do ANYTHING with...
  3. BroNfaith

    Speed Reading

    Day 2: Initial Test :salam2: Today I tested the initial speed, and it was approximately 220/min with good retention. I think I focused on the retention more than the speed, because I knew that I would test the retention later on. According to the book: "You are an average reader, and you...
  4. BroNfaith

    Speed Reading

    :wasalam: Glad to know that you achieved good results, ma sha' Allah. 500/min is better than my current speed methinks, though I will test my initial speed tomorrow, in sha' Allah. And I'll see how it goes from there. Good luck to you too brother :) btw I have Peter Kump's book.
  5. BroNfaith

    Speed Reading

    :salam2: Dear brothers & sisters, has anyone ever taken a course in Speed Reading before? I'm asking this because I've just started a self-paced course at home using a textbook, which promises - at least - to triple my reading speed and increase retention at the same time. It would be...
  6. BroNfaith

    struggling to achieve

    :wasalam: Well, I don't have a success story yet, but I'm on the same boat as you. I don't want to bother you with it, it's about self-mastery. I just want to tell you NEVER give up and keep on trying. There will be alot of difficulties and defeats, but if you keep the right belief and...
  7. BroNfaith

    please help and guide me

    :salam2: Well, I don't think I'm qualified enough to advise on this matter, since I'm yet to advance to the next level of being a good muslim. However, I've been searching for it for the past few years, and I have very recently found an answer, but yet to implement it and see how it goes. I...
  8. BroNfaith

    please help and guide me

    :salam2: I think you made alot of us happy by this post, brother :) It's nice to see someone looking to improve himself in order to be a better muslim. May Allah grant you all the good things which you desire. Will comment on the subject soon in sha' Allah, got to sleep now. Salam,
  9. BroNfaith

    please help and guide me

    :salam2: It means consistency in doing small things is better that inconsistency in doing big things.
  10. BroNfaith

    Did 7th century muslims really did this ?

    :salam2: Anyone who says that is mistaken. The country has been ruled by muslims for almost 14 centuries, and still there are millions of egyptian christians who have the freedom to practise their faith in their respective churches until today. If muslims were as they described them, we...
  11. BroNfaith

    salam in Islam

    :salam2: Ma sha' Allah brother :) May Allah guide you more and more to be a better muslim, amin. We're here to support you anytime in sha' Allah... Keep giving us the good news (I'm hoping that it'll be your wife embracing Islam next time, keep working on it!) Salam,
  12. BroNfaith


    Salam sister Ladybug3478, The concept of Laylatulqadr (night of power) is completely unrelataed to the concept of Qiyamullayl (night prayer). Qiyamullayl (night prayer, and also called Tahajjud) is a mostahab (bonus) prayer. You don't have to do it, but if you do it you're rewarded. It's...
  13. BroNfaith

    Video English Brother Yusuf Adam Explains why he is Muslim

    Dawah is an arabic word which means "invitation". It means calling people towards the teachings of islam.
  14. BroNfaith


    :salam2: Qiyam prayer is same as night prayer, but what you're praying is called witr prayer. More info:صلاة%20الليل Salam,
  15. BroNfaith

    how to live an islamic life??

    :salam2: I believe that the most common and most disastrous problem we have is not knowing our prophet :saw: the way we should be. I don't mean the common misconception of sunnah as a "to-do" list. But I mean knowing the man, knowing his history, greatness, devotion & struggle. I'm talking...
  16. BroNfaith

    Ibn al-Qayyim: How to Give Da'wah to Those Who Love the Dunya

    Salam Post of the day. May Allah reward you, brother :)
  17. BroNfaith

    Anyone share the same love for mathmatics as I do

    :salam2: I couldn't agree more. You reminded me of a verse which states that the ones who really fear Allah are those who have knowledge: "And so amongst men and crawling creatures and cattle, are they of various colours. Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants, who have knowledge: for...
  18. BroNfaith

    Are there scientific miracles in Sunna?

    :salam2: There are many islamic websites on the web that discuss the miracles of the Quran, including this lovely board, with the purpose of showing non-muslims that the Quran is the word of the God. But we don't see the same amount of attention is given to the sunna of the prophet :saw:. Is...
  19. BroNfaith

    Dear brother and sisters what is your intension when you post?

    :salam2: My intention of coming here is to interact with people who are trying to practise true Islam, as I see that decreasing in my enviroment. I think of being with you guys as a source of indirect emotional support. Another thing is that I want to know how muslims in different cultures...
  20. BroNfaith

    tattoos and body modification

    :salam2: So, to sum it up: Some hadith are illogical. Quran has scientific miracles, Hadith doesn't. Contradiction: Quran says Islam should be easy, Hadith says Islam should be difficult. Quran never mentioned that muslims should follow the teachings of other "mere men." The muslim...