Search results

  1. BroNfaith

    Speed Reading

    :salam2: Dear brothers & sisters, has anyone ever taken a course in Speed Reading before? I'm asking this because I've just started a self-paced course at home using a textbook, which promises - at least - to triple my reading speed and increase retention at the same time. It would be...
  2. BroNfaith

    Are there scientific miracles in Sunna?

    :salam2: There are many islamic websites on the web that discuss the miracles of the Quran, including this lovely board, with the purpose of showing non-muslims that the Quran is the word of the God. But we don't see the same amount of attention is given to the sunna of the prophet :saw:. Is...
  3. BroNfaith

    What to do for fun?

    :salam2: What do you do to reward yourself after working hard or acheiving a goal in your life? I'm asking this because I was used to watch football on TV, but I want to quit it because I've become so obssessed with it that it has become a fitna to the heart. Suggestions are very...
  4. BroNfaith


    :salam2: This is my first post... and I want to begin by asking The Almighty to bless this beautiful board.. and guide us all to the straight path. Amin. It's my sincere pleasure to join this muslim community, as I've noticed that there are brothers and sisters from all over the world, so...