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  1. P

    Looking for other Adoptive Parents??

    wa alaikum salaam Mash'allah...I have dreams of adopting a child one day as well...I pray Allah blesses you with one.
  2. P

    Installing Love...

    Wa alalikum salaaam that was it okay If I emailed this some of my friends.
  3. P

    Threads here are being removed

    wa alaikum salaam sorry to heare your post have been removed but maybe it was a duplicate. You should try emailing the Moderators.
  4. P

    Random Fact

    Your tongue can not touch your elbow and it is a fact that somebody will try I just did again.
  5. P

    Random Fact

    I can't wait to see this day.........12 more years to go...I will be 34 insh'allah So true ARe you sure this is a fact and not an Opinion just the way I live in US
  6. P


    Too funny.......sent in email to all my buddies
  7. P

    cure for "showing off" / Riyaa

    wa alaikum salaam....yeah sometimes when I think about death it scares me back to straight path because unlike other religions jannah is not guranteed for anyone. I mean I know there are some hadits like " if you have a faith the size of mustard seed in your heart you will enter Jannah" but I...
  8. P

    Tomorrow Never Comes

    wa alaikum this a great movie...I agree
  9. P


    wa alaikum salaam, I been to that website a few times....needs to be updated but a lots of information.
  10. P

    Hurray! baby is tuhoor!

    wa alaikum salaam I am new here but Mash'allah. what is your baby' name