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    same old debate again.....

    salaam to all,i have a shia friend at work.we was talking the other day about the differences the two sects have.(im sunni). he quoted me "whoever i am the lord of, then ali is the lord as well". this quotation was from a hadeeth by Ghadir authentic? (he said this quotation leads...
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    meaning of the translation?

    salaam to everyone. im from a pakistani background,most pakistanis learn how to read the quran in arabic but we dont learn the in other words i didnt know what i was reading when i was younger. a few months back i bought a copy of the was translated in english by Abdullah...
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    salaam to job involves working night shift.i just about get home to read fajr namaz in the morning.I have a mosque that isnt far from my house.however, i find it easier to pray at home because most of the time i dont have the energy to go and read at the this permissable...
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    saddam good or bad?

    in islam it says killing ANY human is like killing the whole of mankind.Saddam killed thousands.i understand he had the quran in his hand and was praying in his final moments.ive heard many rumours since his death that he has died as a shaheed etc??? God knows best but why would he give him a...
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    muhammed (pbuh)

    salaam to everyone.after recently reading into the prophets life i read that one of his wifes was a 9-13 year old women.(around that age).i understand that he was the final messenger sent by god.I cant understand why he married this girl when he was around 60 years old himself.I do understand...
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    hello to everyone, how can you tell which hadith is authentic and how many hadiths are there?The popular ones most people refer to are Bukhari, Muslim and timidhi.Why is this?
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    which nasheed

    salaam to everyone.theres a nasheed that comes on occasionaly on Qtv.I always miss the nasheed or just about hear the ending.Does anyone know which nasheed im talking about?it goes something like........ subhanallah, alhumdalillah la illaha......?