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    tv's haram, you still watch it. so im going to drink!!

    Thank you for the advice. I have decided that perhaps the best way is to be close to a friend and set a good example and InshaAllah, they will feel like there is a need to change.
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    tv's haram, you still watch it. so im going to drink!!

    Assalamualaikum wr wb. Yes, its very sad when people try to justify their sins...I have a friend who says "This are my sins.I am prepared to bear the consequences for them so I dont think anyone has the right to tell me to change." I dont know what else to say to this person...He knows the...
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    A helping hand for all students-especially medical students

    oh please do...if you can! (:
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    "Jet" Imam gets beaten up...

    Assalamualaikum. I wish I understood what the imam is trying to say, to hear his explanation of why he was going so fast. Never seen anything like it.
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    Ring tones banned

    yeah if you're in the toilet and your phone rings. It's really disrespectful. Also, just a story...The other day, I nearly broke my fast because someones phone went off and her ringtone was the Athan. It was almost time for iftar but Alhamdulillah, someone stopped me before I broke my fast. So I...
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    Assalamualaikum sister Nabila
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    ummah films.....

    I've watched him! He makes serious matters a little funny. People dont feel offended but after watching his videos, viewers sort of do a little self reflection. and thats initiating a change, which is good. yes about the movie, there are behind the scenes videos on youtube but i dont really...
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    Question about Muslim marrying Christian?

    Assalammualaikum, thank you for sharing. A couple of months back a non muslim male asked me why he has to be a muslim before he can marry a muslim girl and he asked "what makes you muslims so special that we have to change religion to marry you? why are you so selfish? why cant we live as...
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    Wow just those words on the ads? and hes making such a big fuss?? He should come to singapore. He would be extremely displeased at the way they conduct 'tours' into mosques for tourists, students and the general community, the way they invite non muslims for iftar etc. and when they talk about...
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    Question about Muslim marrying Christian?

    Wow, I was just thinking about this issue and someone put it up. Anyways, I know that muslim men can marry people of the Book but is it still okay now? Seeing as to how there are new testaments created etc. Or is it when they say 'people of the book' it means people who still follow the true and...
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    What's your degree or education background?

    Salam, Im a second year medical student too! its tough ): well actually I havent been studying much.
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    Is it sunnah to talk about your bad day

    Just a question, if I'm having a really bad day because of something someone else it considered backbiting if i share the story to a friend since it involves someone else?
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    How A Muslim Should Deal With Stress and Anxiety!

    Wow, this couldnt come at a better time. Thanks for putting this up. Needed to remind myself.
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    Music and Movies

    Oops sorry for the use of the word "Islamic"...shall be more careful next time.
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    Music and Movies

    Salam... I've heard of many Islamic songs with music in them. And they're really popular in asean countries. also, there are girl 'bands' singing islamic songs too. How does that fit?
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    new member

    hehe great suggestion but i've been using aidanism for quite some time now... aidan = Nadia and ism = Ismail so im ALL girl haha. Salam (:
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    new member

    maybe i should get a more girly username? Lol
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    new member

    but im not a brother ):
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    new member

    Salam. Im new too! there seem to be many new members (: thats great. Alhamdulillah