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  1. R

    pain is the hardest

    باعتقادي اصعب شي واجمل شي هو ان تهدي قلبك لمن لا يشعر به فكيف تعرف انه لايستحقه ربما كان يستحقه ولكنه لا يعرف ذلك اصعب شي نسيتيه عزيز تي sofia هو ان تشعر انك اذا اختفيت فلن يشعر بك احد ربما لانه لا احد يشعر بك الان فمابالك اذا اختفيت اصعب شي هو ان تصبح وحيدا وانت لازلت لاتياس من الشعور...
  2. R

    we are living with them watch out ! muslim woman killers .

    i think that the only thing that shocked me when isaw her video that i wonderd how are we just forgetting that we as muslims are living with kofar and yet we treat with them and most things we buy from their shops i said to my self oh ya elahy we are kiving with monsters we pass on their...
  3. R

    Amuslim woman heroism

    SALAM ALIKOM what makes me write this is just afeel of of respect to a muslim girl who was barbarity killed her guilt was becoming muslim her killers the own family and briests place of crime their worship place the revenge no revenge the killerres are still free i saw the video of...
  4. R

    Amuslim woman heroism

    SALAM ALIKOM what makes me write this is just afeel of of respect to a muslim girl who was barbarity killed her guilt was becoming muslim her killers the own family and briests place of crime their worship place the revenge no revenge the killerres are still free i saw the video of...