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  1. N

    London megamosque

    The planned mega-mosque – the largest of its kind in Britain is being proposed beside the Olympic complex in London to be opened in time for the 2012 Games. The project’s backers hope the mosque and its surrounding buildings would hold a total of 70,000 people, only 10,000 fewer than the...
  2. N

    documentary suggestions?

    salaam. some of you might already know about our newly opened mosque, for thos of you who dont - you do now. :) we have set aside some time on a sunday evening after isha namaz in which we will hold showings of islamic documentaries or documentaries about islam on our new cinema screen. (its...
  3. N

    images in the mosque!!!

    i just need some info about these images in the mosque, i know photos and images of people are all out haram but we live in england and have recently unveiled our new mosque. much to the delight of hundreds of muslims in our area we had to have 3 eid jamaats to facilitate all the people who...