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    why arent arab nations like othercountries

    looks like true brother. there is one shaykh from malaysia said similar what you r saying he said that the army of non muslim countries protect the their own people and fight the enemy but the arabs army protect the enemy and fight their own people,( I just quoted from what he said,i forgot...
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    assalamu alikum wr wb Brother Haris, when you smoking of pot yes it is Haram but when you smoking of cigarette, well I dont wanna say it is haram or not .let me say some sample here usually when i open the islamic site like TTI I up so late bcoz so interesting and I know this is not good for...
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    CBC interview. unveiling the muslim women-worth watching

    The sister who unveiled,in my thought she might be forgot to look back the teaching of rasulullah saw. coz in the holly quran we also don't find the way how to do the shalat (prey) five times a day, Allah SWT just said do prey and pay zakat. But Rasulullah SAW teached us how to do it in the...