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  1. L

    Propagating other religions in Muslim countries?

    Salaam, Is it true that propagating Christianity, or any other religion, in Muslim countries is punishable by death. It's not in the Qur'an, so I assume there must be some authentic hadith(s) regarding this issue. If so, could somebody please show me the hadith(s)? Thanks in advance...
  2. L

    Depression and Marriage

    Assalamu alaikum, It would be so nice if I could talk to someone who has the same problem. I'm 33 (male) and can't marry due to chronic depression. I have been depressed for nearly 10 years now, it seems to be part of my life. I have decided not to marry, since I fear that I wouldn't be able...
  3. L


    Assalamu alaikum, I'm originally from Turkey, but live in the Netherlands. I'm 33 (male). I have a dream, which is studying Islam.