Propagating other religions in Muslim countries?

Lonely Man

New Member

Is it true that propagating Christianity, or any other religion, in Muslim countries is punishable by death. It's not in the Qur'an, so I assume there must be some authentic hadith(s) regarding this issue. If so, could somebody please show me the hadith(s)? Thanks in advance....




Is it true that propagating Christianity, or any other religion, in Muslim countries is punishable by death. It's not in the Qur'an, so I assume there must be some authentic hadith(s) regarding this issue. If so, could somebody please show me the hadith(s)? Thanks in advance....



i don't know if it is public policy that people be killed for propagating christianity. i do know that in some countries that christian literature is banned like in KSA. if there are people being killed it is being done by people that have no authority to do so. most muslim countries don't even practice the death penalty, since most muslim countries have adopted secularism.

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
Seriously I'm not aware about any such Hadith.

In my country, missionaries from other religions are not allowed to propagate their religion to Muslims. They can be detained and charged for such activities but no such thing capital punishment for such an offence. Though as per law it is illegal, these missionaries do their trick quietly. One of their attraction is $$$. But alhamdulillah our dai here working very hard to ensure Muslims do not easily conned by them.