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  1. S

    How to know who to marry?

    I have not gotten to know the second 2 at all. I have not met them or befriended them in any wrong way. They just found out I was a single muslim who was religious and so they proposes. I didn't know the last two guys before they proposed. Also, I am new to Islam yes but I feel comfortable...
  2. S

    How to know who to marry?

    Assalam allaikum. I am new to Islam but I am already having to face marriage now. Before I reverted I had gotten to know a muslim man who is the same age as me. We got along really well and feelings developed (I know that was wrong.) We never touched each other though and now we still...
  3. S

    What to do with haram things.

    I am new to Islam and was doing some cleaning and have compiled a few things that are haram (example: cd's, figurines of animals, musical instrument). What do I do with them? I have sold some of the things recently before I realized that that was wrong to do. :shymuslima1: However, is it...