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  1. B


    "A man may be able to restrain his anger, but resentment may be smoldering in his heart, and may turn into deep-rooted hatred. Open anger and rage are healthier than hidden resentment and malice". Now a not-so-nice elderly gossiping woman came to my house. She was digging for information...
  2. B


    I am against pologamy in this day and age, because no-one is able to treat their wives equally as our Prophet did. Nowadays one wife will be taken to dinner parties (second wife- the love of his life) and the other one (parent's choice) left to scrub floors. He will never stop at wife number...
  3. B


    Salaam to all my brother and sisters. Inshallah I would like to attend sister's circles on th weekends. Preferably in the Blackburn area. Please can you private message me. Jazakallah. :jazaak: :hearts: