حدیث جبرائیل علیہ السلام

Mohammad Rafoqie

Junior Member
حدیث جبرائیل علیہ السلام:salah:
محمد رفیق اعتصامی
عن عمر ابن الخطاب رضی اللہ عنہ قال بینما نحن عند رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم ذات یوم از طلع علینا رجل شدید بیاض الثیاب شدید سواد الشعر لا یرٰی علیہ اثر السفر ولا یعرفہ منا احد حتی جلس الی النبیﷺ فاسندرکبتیہ الی رکبتیہ ووضع کفیہ علی فخذیہ وقال اخبرنی عن الاسلام قال الاسلام ان تشھد ان لا ا لہ الا اللہ و ان محمدا عبدہ و رسولہ و تقیم الصلٰوۃ و توء ۃ الزکوٰۃ و تصوم رمضان و تحج البیت ان استطعت الیہ سبیلا قال صدقت فعجبنا لہ یسئلہ و یصدقہ ثم قال اخبرنی عن الایمان قال الایمان ان توئمن باللہ و ملٰئکتہ و کتبہ و رسلہ والقدر خیرہ و شرہ من اللہ تعالیٰ و البعث بعد الموت قال صدقت قال فاخبرنی عن الاحسان قال الاحسان ان تعبد اللہ کانک تراہ فان لم تکن تراہ فانہ یراک قال فاخبرنی عن الساعۃ قال ماالمسؤل عنھا باعلم من السائل قال فاخبرنی عن الاماراتھا قال ان تلد امت ربتھا وان تر الحفاۃ العراۃ العالیۃ رعاء الشاۃ یتطاولون فی البنیان قال ثم النطلق فلبثت ملیا ثم قال یا عمر اتدری من السائل؟قال اللہ و رسولہ اعلم قال فانہ جبرائیل علیہ السلام اتٰکم یعلمکم دینکم (بخاری و مسلم)
Narrated Hazrat Umer bin Khattab (R.A.) that we were sitting by the Messenger of Allah, suddenly there appeared a man wearing white dress, having dark black hair, it seemed that he was a traveler came from a distance but no signs were seen of it over him. He sat close with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and joined his knees with the knees of the Holy Prophtet (PBUH) and put his hands on his thighs and said, "O the messenger of Allah, tell me what is Islam"? The Holy Prophet replied," Islam is, you bear testimony that there is no Deity but Allah and Mohammad is the messenger of Allah, and you establish Slats (Prayers), and give the poor-due, keep fasting of Ramazan, offer Hajj if you have sufficient expenses for it". After hearing the reply of the Holy Prophet, he said, "you are right". We became surprised that the man asked a question and then verified it? Then he again said please tell me what is (Eman) the faith? He said," the faith is you have faith in Allah Almighty and His Holy Angels, His holy books, His holy Prophets (peace and Mercy of Allah be upon them) and also you have faith in the Taqdeer ( destiny of man) that good or bad is from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and having faith over the Day of Resurrection. He again said "you are right". Then he said," please tell me about 'Ehsan' (obligation)?". The Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied," Ehsan is that you worship Allah Almighty as you are seeing Him, and if it is not so, then you think that He is seeing me." He again asked," please tell me when will be occur the Doomsday"? The Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied that the man who is asking that question, had himself the sufficient knowledge about it. The Man again said," please tell me about its signs?". The Holy Prophet replied that when the slave-girl would deliver her "Mistress", and the shepherds wearing torn cloths and naked feet (having no shoes), would compete to one another in making the high buildings. Hazrat Umer (R.A.) said that then the man went off. After passing some days, (within one to nine days) the Holy Prophet (PBUH) asked me," O Umer! Do you know who that man was"? He replied that Allah and his Messenger knew better. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied that the man was Hazrat Gabriel A.S.( the highly respected Angel of Allah Almighty). He came to teach you about the teachings of Islam.
Note:- This Hadeeth reveals the fundamental beliefs of Deen-e-Islam. Hazrat Gabriel (A.S.), that is so big that he has six hundred wings, can convert himself into human being. He came and asked some questions about Islam so that the companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) might know about their religion. May Allah Give us "Taufeeq" to obey Shariah orders.
