خَاتَمَ النَّبِيِّينَ The Authenticating Accomplisher of those who are declared Chosen, Dignified a


Junior Member

The Authenticating Accomplisher of those who are declared Chosen, Dignified and Exalted Sincere Allegiants of Allah the Exalted.

This phrase of the Miscellany of Grand Qur'aan is one of the favorites of Psychological manipulators who have in their hearts the self nurtured disease of animosity, jealousy, bias, envy, and aversion against the Person of the Leader of Humanity, the Messenger and Personification of the Infinite Mercy of Allah the Exalted. He is the great of created realm-Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam. He is the Unique-the one in the created realm for whom reverence and praises continue uninterrupted in timeline. This causes irk and lets such Psychological Manipulators advance in compounding their disease. There is no dearth of people of such psyche in the world, as well as within believing societies whom Allah the Exalted has given a specific name "Muna'fi'qeen", who kept spreading confusion about otherwise one of the simplest and semantically conspicuous Possessive Phrase used in the Grand Qur'aan. Thereafter, the plagiarists in believing societies further spread it.

