“I worshiped Allaah for fifty years,


Junior Member
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ​

I Worshipped Allah for Fifty Years

قال نصر بن محمود البَلْخي : <<< قال أحمد بن حرب: عبدتُ اللهَ خمسين سنةً، فما وجدت حلاوَةَ العبادة حتى تركتُ ثلاثة أشياء

تركتُ رِضى النّاس حتى قَدَرتُ أن أتكلَّمَ بالحقِّ

وتركتُ صحبةَ الفاسقين حتى وجدتُ صحبَةَ الصالحينَ

وتركتُ حلاوة الدنيا حتى وجدتُ حلاوةَ الآخرةِ​

Nasr ibn Mahmood al Balkhee said; Ahmad ibn Harb stated:

“I worshiped Allaah for fifty years, I wasn’t able to find the sweetness of worship until I forsook three things:

1. I forsook seeking the acceptance of people, so I was able to speak the truth.

2. I forsook the companionship of the sinner, so I was able to accompany the righteous.

3. I forsook the sweetness of the life of this world, so I was able to find the sweetness of the afterlife.”

From: Siyar ‘Alaam an Nubalaa

Ahmad ibn Harb (rahimahullâh) said, “There is nothing more beneficial to a Muslim’s heart than to mix with the righteous and to watch their actions, while nothing is more harmful to the heart than mixing with the sinners and watching their actions.”



Jazakallahu khairan wa kaseeran akhi!

ur posts have always been effective & beneficial,,

Allah grant u Jannatul-firdous ameen



Smile for Allah

How true. How true. You can feel the difference. There is a different feel to a day when you spend the day at home, being on TTI, watching lectures, doing righteous deeds. And then a totally different feel when you spend the day at work and mix with *them*. I can seriously feel my level of iman drop.

JazakAllahu Khayr, brother. Your threads are always so beneficial.