10000 of Muslims in prison!

abou khaled

Junior Member
10000 of Muslims in prison!

Dear Brothers and Sisters

10000 of Muslims in prison!
An official leader (non-muslim) accused Muslims of being responsible for the people in prison. Part of this statement is true and its coming from human being.
Each one of us should ask him self how will our response be when we get asked by ALLAH. How can we as Muslims contribute to tackle this problem, what have we done positive and how can we make it better and how can the local authorities and government help us to redress this serious matter.
On way (we propose) to reduce this matter is to encourage and help opening mosques in local areas for the young teenagers, where they can practice different activities and be supervised and guided by professionals, for example: homework help, football and other sport activities, organising trips, sleep overs, discussions, food and drinks, outdoor activities etc....
we have accomplished alot of sleep overs over the years in many different mosques and the outcome has been good. this will also help the teenagers to get involved in the muslim community and stay out the streets. Allah (swa) will forgive us and reward us for our deeds. if we won't come to rescue this situation it may get quickly worse young teenagers will move far away starting from smoking and may reach drugs alcohol and other undesirable things.
Lets put hands together lets move to the better lets be positive in this country.
Please spread this message, get in touch to each other as individuals and communities,


New Member
You are right. The official who said Muslims are to blame is talking rubbish. A lot of Muslims are in prison because of suspicion of doing things that has not been proven.
I believe the problem will not be resolved by building more mosques. We have many mosques but unfortunately they do not perform the role that masjids used to at the time of the Prophet(S). Masaajids were there to promote the deen of Islam, to make role models who actually practise Islam and not just Muslim by name. We need to guide the youth by our actions.

abou khaled

Junior Member

Brother wrote:

one alim said especially for england ,he teaches in sheffield

why are we always sending or spending money abroad in various things and nafl ibadah "ahem"when the money really needs to be utilized in the u.k muslim youth and sisters too

i have 2 mosques near me which are £200,000 in debt yet the nafl ibadah abroad is just too alluring


Asalaam alaikum,

Many of the "directors" of masjids are old. Many of the immigrants are clueless to what happens in the US, I can only address the US. They do not seem to trust the African American Muslim communities that have been around for ages and are the ones primarily involved in community action. They need to build more bridges in that area. There is a big cultural gap.
The immigrant masjids have congregation members that can not make up their minds what home is. This is true of the first generations. Their idea of home is in their head and no-where else.

Too, our sisters will not go to do dawa; their husbands forbid them to go to prisons. I know from personal experiences. However, you can write to the prisoners, send them a little money so they can write back. It is cheaper than sending envelopes, stamps and stationary, etc.

You are correct..but Cageprisoners.com provides lists of prisoners and how to help their families. If you search on TTI we have had many posts on this subject.

abou khaled

Junior Member
Salam aleikoum

One wrote:

Maybe if imams in mosques stopped talking about silly things and started addressing what's really going on then we wouldn't fall easy prey?
They're bickering the world over about trifles and ignore complete disasters!


:)Smile! It's Sunnah
Asalaam alaikum,
Many of the "directors" of masjids are old. Many of the immigrants are clueless to what happens in the US, I can only address the US. They do not seem to trust the African American Muslim communities that have been around for ages and are the ones primarily involved in community action. They need to build more bridges in that area. There is a big cultural gap.

So true. Most of the mosques in my neighborhood are visited only by a specific ethnicity, and the people are so stuck in their racist assumptions that they don't even try to mingle with others. Everyone thinks Islam is their exclusive religion and if this was the mindset in the days of the Prophet (PBUH) then we'd still be in Jahiliyah.


Asalaam alaikum,

You know when the Colonist came to the Americas they even had sense to trust the natives. You would think that the new immigrants would seek help from those who have successfully practiced the faith over here for over 300 years. The African American who held is faith in spite of slavery is a Believer. They know what is right and wrong in the communities here. And they know how the system works.

Many immigrants are so star struck by the American Dream they do not understand the American nightmare. The disbelievers do not want to share the piece of the pie. It is that simple. You will have to work for your share of the pie to be dived up amongst all.

And then the notions they bring with them of a dream world that collides with reality.

Do people not realize as the US continues its march for world domination they are going to call the sons of the American dream worshiping Muslims to fight against Muslims or imprison them?

Our ethnically stagnant communities are a total failure. We have sisters who are also mothers being buried in prisons and we ignore them. We have children placed in foster homes of the kuffar we provide nothing for them.

We have brothers not in Guantanamo who have no rights and we have turned our backs on them but what about all the other supermax prisons in the US. Where are the 3000 men who were taken from NYC on 9/12?

And the bottom line is this simple:

As a community how can you know what I am going through when you close yourselves off to my world; you live in a make-belive little world and are unaware that Islam was here before you arrived; how can you ignore me. This is my home.