1st islamic forum

Wanryoku Sugoi

Need to find my Muslim Queen <3
Salam. Let me get this out the way, my name is not actually Wanryoku Sugoi. It's a name I gave myself after studying Japanese. I have studied and/or learned English (native tongue), spanish, and arabic. I would also like to pick up french.

What you should know about me, or what you will realize about me (insha allah) is that I love to learn. I had an epiphany after being unable to sleep and in the last 3rd of the night, I made duwa. I hate being unable to wrap my brain around something. Allah said that he taught Adam the names of EVERYTHING.

I'm from N.West Ohio, the United States. Born muslim. Multi-faceted, of mixed descent. I have 2 jobs and take classes. I have medical benefits. A huge loving family and friends that actually care about me. Sisters, that's a hint. I have everything a believing man could want except for a wife. Not gonna front, I'll just go ahead and admit that part of the reason (maybe 45%) that I signed up was to find a good muslim WOMAN. Little girls who want everything done for them? Ain't nobody got time for that.

Anyway, like I said, I'm multi-faceted. I have a twitter account here: https://twitter.com/Cygnus475

I'm part of an art fraternity. We have painters, lyricists, dancers, writers, etc. I've written several of my own short stories and would like to publish my own books (includin Islamic books one day when I grain more ilm ia). I'm also part of a group of like-minded gamers. We organize tournaments in the city at a reasonable price. Our goal is to get kids off the streets and give them something to do besides shoot each other.

I am also a martial artist. And a very good one. I'm bold enough to say that I think I could one day beat Andre Ward (current #2 p4p boxer in the world). I'd fight him now, but unfortunately there's these things called "rules" and "sanctioning bodies" so I'm gonna have to wait till I get in touch with my coach again and do things the hard way.

Why am I so confident? Because Allah has blessed me with strength. I'm like Akuma: no matter how many nerfs or haters get in my way, I still win. Akuma is a character from the fighting game "street fighter".

Oh, and don't try to argue with me. Please don't. I like a good discussion and debate but I if you try to get under my skin/use logic fallacies/cite biased sources/etc I WILL call u out. I'm an expert e_e

That's enough about me. So I'd like to hear about you. There seems to be some passionate brothers and sisters on here and I thought it was fine time I connected with other Muslims my own age.


Staff member
wa alaykum salam

Welcome to the website brother, however this site is for discussing Islamic issues only. We do not condone the use of the site for finding a wife. Please understand this and respect our rules, jazak Allahu khayr!

In Sha Allah you shall find the site beneficial. It is nice that you are into martial arts, I am too. I spent time doing mixed martial arts, but have little time for that now. I just spend time working out only.




Welcome to tti brother,
masha'allah very well introduce .

nice to have you here with us

~May Allah swt help,protect and guide all muslims~Amin!

Take care,
~Wassalam :)


Wanryoku Sugoi

Need to find my Muslim Queen <3
Welcome to the website brother, however this site is for discussing Islamic issues only. We do not condone the use of the site for finding a wife. Please understand this and respect our rules, jazak Allahu khayr!

I'm pretty sure there's a saying about marriage being half the deen. And I'm pretty sure that's an Islamic issue.

In Sha Allah you shall find the site beneficial. It is nice that you are into martial arts, I am too. I spent time doing mixed martial arts, but have little time for that now. I just spend time working out only.

Oh I see quite a bit of potential in this little outpost you got here, masha allah. Far more than just being "beneficial", otherwise I wouldn't have joined.

What arts have you studied specifically?


Welcome to tti brother,
masha'allah very well introduce .

nice to have you here with us

~May Allah swt help,protect and guide all muslims~Amin!

Take care,
~Wassalam :)

Even though only 2 of you introduced me, jazakum allahu khair. That literally made my day.

Take care of Allah's command, Allah will take care of you.

Wanryoku Sugoi

Need to find my Muslim Queen <3
Wing Chun Kungfu, muay thai, Kali, Brazillian Jiujitsu.

Masha allah

The only one I studied was Brazilian jiujitsu. I got a yellow belt when I was around 14. I train in the Gracie style. My sensei is named "Shawn" a.k.a Abdullah.

I dabbled in some muay tai. I haven't been formally trained, but I'd love to study it. My body would be perfect for it. My body is ready.

I'm about 6'0-6'1, 178 lbs, with a 76-77'' reach. How about you?


Junior Member
Walaykum Salam brother ,good to see you and hear from you in this forum.Mashallah you have very good activities,actually its good to be rough and tough...Keep it up may Allah reward you for your efforts.