Question: 2 questions, that got me wondering!


A Mu'minah Wannabe!
  1. There are times when one doesn't find the right words for putting into a dua'a! Sometimes I deeply want to ask Allah SWT for something, but I feel blank inside. There's so much on my mind but my lips are silent. Do those prayers/wishes, that dwell there in my head get heard by Allah SWT, do you have any ahadith regarding the matter?
  2. What is taqqiyyah? A brief but to the point answer would do. Why do Christians use the term/principle to defame Islam?
There were a few more questions but can't recall them right now, will post them later in sha Allah!
JazakAllahu Khairan

Dr Nabeel Hashmi

Junior Member
Surah Al Tahaa ch 20 v 7-Allah says that he can hear what's there in your heart, u doesn't need to call by opening ur mouth.In Surah Al Qaf ch 50 v 16-Allah says that Allah is closer to man than the man himself, Allah is closer to us even closer than our jugular vein.Taqqiyah is a religious disimulation in which an individual can reject his faith in fear of persecution.


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o aliakum wr wb

JazakAllah khair dr Nabeel :)
  1. There are times when one doesn't find the right words for putting into a dua'a! Sometimes I deeply want to ask Allah SWT for something, but I feel blank inside. There's so much on my mind but my lips are silent. Do those prayers/wishes, that dwell there in my head get heard by Allah SWT, do you have any ahadith regarding the matter?
InshAllah these videos both are almost the same one is the full version, other is the shorter version
  1. What is taqqiyyah? A brief but to the point answer would do. Why do Christians use the term/principle to defame Islam?
As the brother explain, but what i wanted to add was this is something which the shias emphasize on, its not so much part of ahle sunnah unless in dire situations, i cant find a great link for u, but wikipedia is a little helpful, but the main thing is this is more part of shia, who basically use it everytime, thats why its so hard to even know when they speak to you about their faith they are telling the truth or practicing taqiyyah.
U can search multaqa forum there is a alot of threads on refutation on this principle by shia but for sunni prospective:
Taqiyya explained by Imaam Ibn Katheer is that the performance of this must be durooa i.e. necessitated for the safety of one's own life. It is prohibited outside of this factor.


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
Salam aleikum

The video ''Allah is near'' from Nouman Ali Khan is amazing, warms the heart.
Great motivation for making Dua. :75:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yes there are several verses in the Quran where Allah SWT says he can see our thoughts, hearts. Allah is the All-Seer, All-Knower, he sees EVERYTHING and knows EVERYTHING! Allah even knows hypothetical situations, if I would of done so and so what would have happened, Allah knows this and more! Allah knows every single atom in the universe, and it is even written in a clear record (Ayat in the Quran).