4 imams



Did you know that Hafiz Zahabi (rahmatullah Alay) has counted Imam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullah alay) from the Hufaaze Hadith (Huffaaz is the plural (of Hafiz) in his Kitaab Tadhkeratul Huffaz. A Hafiz of Hadith is a person who memorizes one hundred thousand Ahaadith or more with the names of the narrators and the context of the Hadith.

Hafiz Zahabi Shafie (rahmatullah alay) is that great Imam of Hadith regarding whom Hafiz ibn Hajar Asqalani (rahmatuUah alay) (the commentator of Bukhari Shareef who was a great Muhaddith of his time) made duaa at the Zam Zam, 0 Allah' give me a memory like the memory of Hafez-e-Zahabi.

Khatlb relates that Imam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullah alay) used to make Tila'wat of the Quraan, perform Salaat and cry throughout the night (out of fear of Allah Ta'ala), so much that his neigbours used to pity him. He completed the Quraan seventy thousand times in the place in which he passed away. For forty years he read Fajr Salaat with the Wuzu of Esha. (Al Bida'ya Wan Nihayah Vol. 5 Page 107)

Did you know that Fiqhe Hanifa was compiled by a Shura of forty great Ulema of that time. Khatib Baghdadi writes:
Someone said to Imam Waki (rahmatullah Alay) (Ustaad t Imam Shafie (rahmatullah Alay) `lmam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullah Alay) has made a mistake in this mas'ala.” Imam Waki (rahmatullah alay) replied: How can Imam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullah alay) make a mistake when he has with him expertise in Qiyaas like Imam Abu Yusuf (rahmatullah alay) and Imam Zufar (rahmatullah alay); Huffaz of Hadith like Yahya bin Abi Za'eda, Hafs bin .Giyath, Habban and Mundil (rahmatullah Alayhi). (Yahyah (rahmatullah alay) and Hafs (rahmatullah alay) are Ustaads of Imam Bukhari (rahmatullah alay); an expert in the Arabic language and literature like Cassim bin Ma'an and Zaahid (one who abstains from the worldly things too) and Muttaqis (one who is extremely careful regarding the commandments of Allah Ta'ala) like Dawoodê Taie (rahmatullah alay) and FudhaiI bin Eyaaz (rahmatullah alay) “Will these people not correct him if he makes a mistake?”

A woman once came to buy silk from lmam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullah alay). She requested Imam Sahib (rahmatullah alay) to sell the roll of silk to her at cost. Imam Sahib (rahmatullah alay) quoted her four dirham (± four rands). She said Oh Imam do not joke with me. Imam Sahib (rahmatullah alay) replied; “I bought two rolls of silk together and have sold the one with a profit which lands me this roll at four dirhams.” She paid the four dirhams and took the roll.

Imam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullah alay) once advised his servant. “When you sell this article then do not forget to bring to the notice of the buyer the defect in it” The servant forgot to mention the fault at the time of selling that article. When this was brought to Imam Sahib (rahmatullah alay's) notice he said: “I have nothing to do with this.” He then gave that whole sum of a few thousand dinaars in sadaqa, as the buyer could not be traced.

Once a goat was stolen, Imam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullah alay) inquired as to the maximum period that a goat lives. He did not eat mutton for that period out of fear that Haraam will enter his stomach.

Imam Malik (rahmatullah alay) once while teaching Hadith was bit several times by a scorpion, he did not move out of respect of the words of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) until he had completed the lesson, even though his color had gone pale by then.

Imam Ahmed bin Hambal (rahmatullah alay) gave to the poor whatever he received in inheritance.
He used to cut wood for his living. Throughout the night he used to cry in sajda making dua. Oh Allah it a ransom is accepted on behalf of the sinners to the Ummat of Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) then accepts me as a ransom.

Imam Shafie (rahmatullah alay) memorized the Quraan-e- Kareem at the age of seven, memorized the muwatta of Imam Malik (rahmatullah alay) at the age of ten and began to give fataawa at the age of fifteen. He used to complete sixty khatams in the month of Ramadan.