7 Common Mistakes in Prayer


Junior Member
Assalam Allaykum

This is a very important video. Please watch this video, and make sure you do not have any mistakes in your prayer.:salah: Again this is very important, please watch.:SMILY335:

ma saalam



Junior Member
Jazak Allah for this sis,

One part that I think needs to be addressed though is where it says not to touch the thighs to the belly. I've read a few hadiths that indicate this is for the males. But women are instructed to touch belly to legs to conceal and be modest.

In another Hadith Nabie mentioned: "When a lady prostrates, she must attach her stomach to her thighs, i.e. her stomach and thighs must touch each other. ("Sunanul Kubra", Vol.2, Page 223.)

May Allah forgive me if I am incorrect.




Forever Student

Jazak Allah Khair!

May we all seek for perfection during our salat each and every day. :tti_sister: