

Staff member
wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

First and foremost the person should have the right reasons for becoming Muslim. They believe in Allah as the only one true God worthy of worship, and that the Prophet Muhammad :saw: is the last and final messenger. They should believe in Jesus, not as a son of God, but as a Prophet. If this is what they believe, then this should be affirmed by the person saying the shahada. (declaration of faith).

After the shahada the prayers become obligatory upon them, as does fasting in Ramadhan and all the other aspects of Islam.

Because of the nature of having to memorise certain ayaat and dua for the prayer, it is ok for them to learn a basic prayer, whilst also learning to pray in the full and proper form. It is allowed for them to do just the the fardh prayer units along with a piece of paper which can help them keep track of movements and what to read in the prayer. Or they could do the prayer by saying "Allahu Akbar, Subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah , wa la ilaaha ilallah" and so forth from what they know. It is obligatory upon them to do their best to learn the prayer properly though.

If they are in the masjid, it is actually a little easier, because they can copy what the other people in the congregation are doing, and just say the simple few lines mentioned above. We all have to start somewhere, it is better to begin with the little we know, rather than doing nothing and waiting until a person knows "a lot". We are always learning and correcting ourselves in life, so one should not wait, but begin with what they can do and carry on from there.

Attaining good and strong knowledge in Tawheed and Aqeedah is also key for remaining steadfast and building our iman, may Allah increase us in that.