Question: __


Smile for Allah

Fard prayers are obligatory. 2 rakah for Fajr, 4 rakah for Dhuhr, 4 rakah for Asr, 3 rakah for Maghrib, and 4 rakah for Isha.

However, 2 Sunnah before the Fard at Fajr time and 3 Witr at the end of the night are prayers which the Messenger :saw: never left off. So those are quite commendable to pray as well.


Smile for Allah
Those are Sunnah (commendable) but you only asked what's obligatory? We'll be punished if we don't perform the Fard prayers.


Assalaam alaikum,

You ask a difficult question.

We are on a journey back to Allah swt. Once we take the Shahada we have made the covenant with Allah swt to follow His Religion. We acknowledge His Prophet as our Imam and the Imam to mankind.

That is the starting point. We are given the pillars of faith to follow. It is not just the five prayers but the other pillars are just as critical. Throughout the Quran we are reminded in the ayats of the importance of zakat. How many time is salat joined with zakat.

As you grow in faith the need for salat increases. The five obligatory salah is the beginner food. As you yearn for the Pleasure of Allah swt your need to pray increases. When not in prayer there is the dhikr of Allah swt or sending blessings upon the Prophet, swas.

Equally important is the understanding of the Quran, and as one sheik repeats so eloquently give me deep understanding Allah swt, give me deep understanding.

Your salat will visit you in the grave. I know I want good company in the grave.

So the question you ask needs to be reworded. It is not full is the exercising of your rights. How much are you seeking the need to be closer to Allah swt.

InshaAllah my humble words make sense to you.


Staff member
The Prophet Muhammad S did not leave off from the sunnah prayers. There are some brothers and sisters who only pray the Fardh. This is one of the ways of shaitan ultimately making a Muslim weak and lazy. We should do our best with the many actions we can do in shaa Allah.

The articles above show that not praying the sunnah units is not a sin, but it is highly encouraged to keep them as part of your prayers together with the fardh (obligatory units).