a call to the muslim ummah


Junior Member
take a look at the todays world... we the muslims are the most humiliatet nation. Even though we r not small by number, no we r huge... our problem is that we r divided and cahil (without knowledge).

Imagine what would happen if all muslim countries would unite? When we have One united army and a common foreign policy, similar like europe when the most respected universities in the world would be in our countries.. when we would be technically and economicaly advanced... the united muslim nations... many nations, many coulors but ONE flag....

We would be strong and none of these capitalists would dare to attack one of us....... like they do now.... the capitalists attack others to become more rich even they r rich... when someone is not believing in Allah and ackira to him the world is very precious... but we believe elhamdullilah... so what´s the matter with us? When I regard the people around me, my friends relatives, even my family very less of them are practisising muslims... well I´m also not but at leat I do my prayers 5 times etc.... and in Iraq and elsewhere our brothers and sisters are dieing... of course we can not do anything for our oppressed brothers and sisters when the most of us just remember in Ramadan that they r muslims.... we have to educate our people about Islam and motivate our kids to study, to read books... when u know someone in ur family who can not read teach him to read.... even the prophet (saw) was not able to read the first order to him was "read in the name of Allah"....

it is up to us we can reach very much if we believe and are ready to struggle for

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 50:
Narrated Anas bin Malik:

The Prophet said, "A single endeavor (of fighting) in Allah's Cause in the forenoon or in the afternoon is better than the world and whatever is in it."

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 51:
Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, "A place in Paradise as small as a bow is better than all that on which the sun rises and sets (i.e. all the world)." He also said, "A single endeavor in Allah's Cause in the afternoon or in the forenoon is better than all that on which the sun rises and sets."




Abu Abdillah

Super Moderator
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Assalamu alaykum

Aqeedah is the first pillar that upholds the foundation which the existence of an Islaamic society rests upon. The ranks of the Muslims rally under this foundation. From this foundation, the people seek out their unity. Under its light, they plow ahead towards the highest peak of glory and honor. Along with the guidance of correct ‘Aqeedah and its principles, they conquer the hearts before they conquer the cities and countries.

Indeed, there have been many writers, lectures, gatherings, preachers, and callers who have called for the unity of the Muslims. They have done this by presenting various ways and solutions to unify the ranks of the Muslims. However, these methods and plans are deficient and incomplete, due to their concern for the branches of the religion only. Therefore, we find one group trying to have unity while placing importance on politics, another group on Islaamic etiquettes, and the third group focusing on Targheeb and Tarheeb, asceticism, and piety. However, we find none among these groups focusing on the main foundation and the greatest pillar. This pillar, which is the stronghold and firm starting, points towards Muslim unity; it is none other than the doctrine of Tawheed. Allaah united us after division and joined our hearts after separation. Through Tawheed, we became one nation with one purpose and belief. This is the source of our might; the sign of our happiness and our existence is dependent upon it. Our purpose is to worship Allaah, the One who there is no deity worthy of worship except Him, no Lord other than Him. This is the underlying reason for our existence, which is why Allaah created us.

Quran and Sunnah is The Basis for Muslim Unity​


Junior Member
Assalamu alaykum

Aqeedah is the first pillar that upholds the foundation which the existence of an Islaamic society rests upon. The ranks of the Muslims rally under this foundation. From this foundation, the people seek out their unity. Under its light, they plow ahead towards the highest peak of glory and honor. Along with the guidance of correct ‘Aqeedah and its principles, they conquer the hearts before they conquer the cities and countries.

Indeed, there have been many writers, lectures, gatherings, preachers, and callers who have called for the unity of the Muslims. They have done this by presenting various ways and solutions to unify the ranks of the Muslims. However, these methods and plans are deficient and incomplete, due to their concern for the branches of the religion only. Therefore, we find one group trying to have unity while placing importance on politics, another group on Islaamic etiquettes, and the third group focusing on Targheeb and Tarheeb, asceticism, and piety. However, we find none among these groups focusing on the main foundation and the greatest pillar. This pillar, which is the stronghold and firm starting, points towards Muslim unity; it is none other than the doctrine of Tawheed. Allaah united us after division and joined our hearts after separation. Through Tawheed, we became one nation with one purpose and belief. This is the source of our might; the sign of our happiness and our existence is dependent upon it. Our purpose is to worship Allaah, the One who there is no deity worthy of worship except Him, no Lord other than Him. This is the underlying reason for our existence, which is why Allaah created us.

Quran and Sunnah is The Basis for Muslim Unity​

wa aley kumsalam,

thanks for ur comment. u r so right


Allah will decide
No unity

Muslims will never unite and be successful unless they return to the Quran. The Quran is no longer the authority on anything. Since the Quran is perfect, and from Allah, there is no reason to fight over anything. When you add books and spurious opinions by other people, telling rumors, and depending on something besides the Quran, and listening to "scholars" with different "opinions", you will always fight within yourselves. United we stand, divided we fall. satan loves this.

When Muslims finally open the Quran, and really read it and listen to IT and only IT, then will Allah reward them.

I hear so often, Muslims asked about their religion, and what do they do? "Oh uh, I don't know enough to be able to answer your questions, let me send you to so and so." You are telling me you believe in a religion you know nothing about??

Further reading for your heart and mind:
5:48-50,69:40-47,17:73-75 nothing but the Quran should be obeyed and has serious retribution.10:15-18 6:19 any books set up other than the Quran is idol worship.

See 6:38-39 Nothing left out of the Quran, why consult something or someone else?
6:114 The Quran is Complete. Allah says this, why do you need something else?? Because you were told in generations that is the way it is??

I could go on and on with surahs and ayats that say ONLY THE Quran.
But like other religions, Allahs word is not enough. As long as there is deviation from Allahs word, there will be no unity in the ummah. They will fight and kill each other, but oh, the Quran says that is a sin, still they do it.


Junior Member
yes we will be united!

Muslims will never unite and be successful unless they return to the Quran. The Quran is no longer the authority on anything. Since the Quran is perfect, and from Allah, there is no reason to fight over anything. When you add books and spurious opinions by other people, telling rumors, and depending on something besides the Quran, and listening to "scholars" with different "opinions", you will always fight within yourselves. United we stand, divided we fall. satan loves this.

When Muslims finally open the Quran, and really read it and listen to IT and only IT, then will Allah reward them.

I hear so often, Muslims asked about their religion, and what do they do? "Oh uh, I don't know enough to be able to answer your questions, let me send you to so and so." You are telling me you believe in a religion you know nothing about??

Further reading for your heart and mind:
5:48-50,69:40-47,17:73-75 nothing but the Quran should be obeyed and has serious retribution.10:15-18 6:19 any books set up other than the Quran is idol worship.

See 6:38-39 Nothing left out of the Quran, why consult something or someone else?
6:114 The Quran is Complete. Allah says this, why do you need something else?? Because you were told in generations that is the way it is??

I could go on and on with surahs and ayats that say ONLY THE Quran.
But like other religions, Allahs word is not enough. As long as there is deviation from Allahs word, there will be no unity in the ummah. They will fight and kill each other, but oh, the Quran says that is a sin, still they do it.

Selam brother,

I believe both is necessari knowledge about Islam and worldly knowledge aswell. I don´t seperate them cuz they are not two different things. they belong together! The Quran is the door when we open it we enter also the world of science! There is a hadith: when the knowledge is in China go and get it ( not word by word) that´s why reading books to educate oneself is important.... and yes u r right there are very less muslims who practice Islam. But there are also few who practisice elhamdullilah. and this was a call to jihad. when u r a good muslim then teach those other muslims who have no idea what Islam is really teaching, than they will be able to answer questions. that is what we can do for our ummah. In Iraq there are Christian Americans they go to there just to make people convert to Christianity!!! Many muslims read Quran once and that´s it! We don´t read it but we keep our holy book beautifully in our shelfes... cuz it´s baraka.... Now our Job is to make them to take the Quran out of their shelfs and read it finally!


Qëndrim Ismajli
Selam alejkum by your brother from Kosovo
Well , I think that today in the modern time it is very very difficult to be a good muslim.
Muslims have come is this situation where they say "I'm muslim" while they never pray never fast (in Ramadan) they never give zekah , they have a lot of money and don't go to hajj.How we can be muslims when we don't accomplish our obligations.
Today we must be very very cared , we must move out haram , everywhere are harams.
I'm new 16 ,but for me it is very hard to practise islam , however I do that.
I hope to get marry with a muslim girl , to have a islam family etc.But it is very hard to do that!
However I hope that All-llah will help me and all muslims around the world.


Junior Member
Selam alejkum by your brother from Kosovo
Well , I think that today in the modern time it is very very difficult to be a good muslim.
Muslims have come is this situation where they say "I'm muslim" while they never pray never fast (in Ramadan) they never give zekah , they have a lot of money and don't go to hajj.How we can be muslims when we don't accomplish our obligations.
Today we must be very very cared , we must move out haram , everywhere are harams.
I'm new 16 ,but for me it is very hard to practise islam , however I do that.
I hope to get marry with a muslim girl , to have a islam family etc.But it is very hard to do that!
However I hope that All-llah will help me and all muslims around the world.

Selam brother,

brother elhamdullilah that we live in a time like this... why? cuz this is the golden age of Islam! what makes the sahaba the best generation? They lived in a time where the situation was difficult aswell for but they struggeld and managed to establish an Islamic Empire.... because of their hard efford they r the best generagion.... hope that Allah will give you good in this world and good in ackira and inshaallah u will get married with a good muslim girl



Qëndrim Ismajli
I hope brother , I'm fatherless and I believe to be strong muslim today.
Maybe you here in Kosovo as soon as we have decleare the independence and we are
at the low economic situation but I want to go to live abroad after I finish middle school.
I know into the future I must work hard to have smile in my face.But I hope that All-llah will help me to go to live ,study ,and practise islam abroad.
Selam alejkum


Junior Member
I´m a sister...:) Inshaallah ckair I wish u all the best. inshallah Allah will give you all you need. take care


A Believer In Heart
Assalamu Alaykum

I don't really think its good idea if all the Muslims countries united as one nation for lot reasons. But may Allah SWT united us as one Islamic group. May We stand together againist oppressors and stand for Islam. Be role models of our beautiful religion. Ameen!!!


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaykum

I don't really think its good idea if all the Muslims countries united as one nation for lot reasons. But may Allah SWT united us as one Islamic group. May We stand together againist oppressors and stand for Islam. Be role models of our beautiful religion. Ameen!!!

selam sister,

really? why not? I can not really understand ur point. can we get united as an islamic group while we r not united as nations...? what u mean with group


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
so what´s the matter with us?

We have become a people too attached to this dunya dear sister...even when we hear the word *death*..and walk or drive by a graveyard...we either quickly change the subject...or turn our face away..because we like to deceive ourselves into thinking that we will not end up being a name and a date on a headstone...

If we remember the hadith you quoted about Jannah..if we remember that we have to meet our Lord one day..if we remember our lives are nothing but a countdown...

Many things would be different...

But we are too attached sister...and worst yet..there are those amongst who'd been infected with the capitalist virus..and when union under Islam is given to them as a treatment...they are appalled by the offer..

All I can say is...

May Allah guides us before it's too late

And Baraka Allaho Feeki



Staff member
but i dont think ill survive the nuclear wars that r gonna come soon.....

The times we're living in are a blessing, theres *so* much for us all to work towards that even if we don't live *in* a time where its better for muslims then I don't see it as a loss. Id rather be in a time when we have to struggle and strive for the deen than a time when we have it all.

The only khilafah I envy after our Prophet :saw: passed away is the khilafah of Umar ibn Al Khattab, but apart from that we shouldn't be-little the significance of our times, here, now, today, every second! Everyday is a challenge and every day we have so much opportunity to do plenty for the deen and thats nothing short of one huge blessing.



Junior Member
We have become a people too attached to this dunya dear sister...even when we hear the word *death*..and walk or drive by a graveyard...we either quickly change the subject...or turn our face away..because we like to deceive ourselves into thinking that we will not end up being a name and a date on a headstone...

If we remember the hadith you quoted about Jannah..if we remember that we have to meet our Lord one day..if we remember our lives are nothing but a countdown...

Many things would be different...

But we are too attached sister...and worst yet..there are those amongst who'd been infected with the capitalist virus..and when union under Islam is given to them as a treatment...they are appalled by the offer..

All I can say is...

May Allah guides us before it's too late

And Baraka Allaho Feeki



yes u r so right sister. sometimes life is so sweat and I can not think at death and sometimes so sad that I can not expect to die... I remembered something after reading your comment... when I was a child I knew that I ´ll become a grown up oneday but I just couldn´t imagine it... I mean I couldn´t imagine that I will not like my toys anymore or playing in the sand box and be "serious" like the grown ups was... I didn´t want to become a grown up :) but now I am and I´m glad aboud it. but now I´m thinkink about something different: I know I´ll die one day and start to live another life in ackira like all but I just cannot imagine it... damn I think I´m crazy:) take care sis


La Ilaha Illa ALLAH
take a look at the todays world... we the muslims are the most humiliatet nation. Even though we r not small by number, no we r huge... our problem is that we r divided and cahil (without knowledge).


Salam Aleikum
what is most dangerous, and most sadly, brother is to copy them blindly without knowledge, if they do Kabbalah, Muslims boys and girls will do Kabbalah as well, just copying them,without understanding their meanings or any dangers that they entail: i hope we could copy their knowledge and the technology they reached, when once Islamic Ummah was exporting knowledge and science and medicine to all over the world. now we are importing Kabbalah, drags, Hashisha.............. and the list long.

It is very important to feel gratitude and not shy for being Muslim, wearing Hijab or growing beard, it is our identity;this is unfortunately what Ummah is facing now, having many of it followers feeling weak, carless, away from the responsiblity of being a Muslim belong to one Ummah.

still they are alwasy a light at the end of that dark tanle, hoping Ummah will be as you my brother said, ONE BIG UNITED UMMAH, with the help and suppor from ALLAH swt and then with the good intentions of it followers men and women.inshaALLAH
La Illah Iel ALLAH
All praise be to ALLAH


A Believer In Heart
selam sister,

really? why not? I can not really understand ur point. can we get united as an islamic group while we r not united as nations...? what u mean with group

Groups i mean the sunni, shi'a, and ect. I just don't think uniting as one nation won't work. For the why not part sister look around the Muslim countries and maybe you might see what i see. Also think about the people who convert to Islam. Muslims are around the world and from every aspect about life. At the end, may Allah SWT make us strong in faith.