A great definition of Taqwah


Junior Member

Many attempt to describe taqwah as "being fearful of Allaah", "being mindful of Allaah", or "keeping our duty to Allaah". While all of those are true and correct, they are still lacking something.

It is explained by two of the greatest companions of the Messenger :saw:, Umar and Kaab in a famous incident:

Umar (R) asked Kaab (R) the meaning of Taqwa, as he was renowned for his deep understanding of the Quran Al Kareem.

Kaab (R) then inquired from Umar (R), whether he had walked through a thorny bush path with his cloak. Umar (R) replied that he had done so on numerous occasions. Kaab (R) asked Umar (R) to describe his movements through this thorny path. Umar (R) replied that he moved very cautiously, so as not to tear his clothing. Kaab (R) said that was the description and the meaning of Taqwa.

Today, our friday prayer Imaam gave another beautiful description, he said:

"Imagine a field, full of land mines. You are on one side and you are required to cross this field of land mines. That is taqwah"

SubhanaAllaah I find this definition very close to the heart. The landmine is so dangerous, yet it's danger cannot be perceived easily. When you step on a landmine, you cannot predict the outcome: some survive, others do not. Most certainly you will incur damage, how severe that damage is depends on where you make contact. On the other side of the field is ultimate success, not very many will make it to the other side, let alone not sustain any injury.

May Allaah grant us the taqwah of His Messenger :saw: and his companions.