** A Letter A Mujahid Wrote To His Wife. **


Here to help

"Dedicated to my princess,

You never complained when you knew we would have nothing. You were contempt on having what little you needed.

Where others would have left or moaned you never once let out a sigh. You understood what was written was what we would eat.

I never once complained about what was put in front of me as I knew it was your hands that brought it to me.

When I had nothing I had you. We smiled as we saw the destruction around us knowing that these people were not true.

You never felt sympathy towards the enemy. You put your trust in your Rubb and in turn you followed me. Never did I have to wonder about you as my secrets my honour and my Deen were safe with you.

When the enemy barked you never flinched. You were strong and in turn made me strong.

We both know what hardships you faced just being with me but not a word did you speak.

Like a vanguard for this Ummah you concealed yourself. Where others would rush to please their desires you were the essences of Taqwa.
Life was easy with you and it came so naturally. You were the extension of me and I would never need to finish my words as who knew me better then you....

It's the little things that make the person and you would have easily have kept me going for a lifetime.

I loved your jealousy. I loved to tease you with the thought of others just so I could know how dear I was to you. The way you would look at me with fire in your eyes showed me that I was the only one for you. You stole my heart and hide it away. You know your place it's by my side. What chance did shaytan have when you would ensure that fajr was the easiest of the salahs. I loved that you would forsake me in an instant to fast a voluntary fast. I loved that the Haq was dearer to you then my life and those of our jewels

Watching you makes me laugh as I wonder if my heart will ever want another as I watch you feed my child, as you lift her out of the bath, as you wipe her little nose and the face she pulls. You will never find a diamond in the hands of the poor in the same way our diamond deserves to be carried in your hands. We could have it all my love but who sells Paradise for an hour of passing pleasure? Not us.

I chose you Umm ****** the loyalties of my babies are. They will love what we love they will love Allah Most Glorified Most High, they will Love the Prophets and the best of Companions, They will love those who they have never met but will long to meet. They will love those better then us. They will live to honour one statement. Others will fall under the weight of La illiha illiha but not them. Their hearts will beat it, their words testify to it and their hands carry it.

Don't think I left you. Don't think that in this world anything is dearer to me then the minute that I walk home knowing what waits for me behind closed doors. I went to find a better place for us. I went to fulfil the best of deals. I saw it written that if you give your life then eternity will be ours. I saw it written somewhere that this was all a test and I have no doubt that one who promises us and whose word is truth must love me very much as he gave me you and you were the hardest thing to give up. They say the mind cannot comprehend what awaits us. They say that sadness will forgotten, they say that the eye has yet to see and the ear has yet to hear the beauties that await us in our new home. They say rivers of honey my love they say rivers of milk they say rivers of wine. They say pearls and Gold thrones , they say musk and cool breezes. Is it not fitting that I go to see this land afar to take you and our children? I fear that the gates of opportunity will close behind me my love. I fear others will hear what I hear and rush there and I will have nothing to offer you.

I know you will send our sons to look for their father. Tell them that they will find me in every battle, in every fight where the black flag is flown.
Tell them that the pain will be a pinch and then they will see what I see. Tell them Green Birds wish to meet them. Tell the Angels will call them by the best of names and most of all that Allah The One The Eternal will be pleased with them.

I told you once that only 2 things will have me. You and death. My life was with you but now I must marry again. I must marry what was promised to me the moment I was born. I must marry my fate and in turn I must marry death. After death will come reckoning and if I stand with the best of creation I will with the permission of Allah Lord of the Heavens and the Earth I will beg for you. None was worthy to stand next to me in this life so why is it I should desire another in the next? "


the same thing but in video format;


The Prophet (PBUH), once said to a group of Companions : "The best of you is the best to his wives and I am the best amongst you with my wives."

"And among His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you may live in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between you; Verily, in that are signs for people who reflect." (Quran 30:21)


MashAllah...so sweet

*silent tears*

If only the spouses of today put Allah and their Deen first...verily true happiness will be achieved then and only then.


sister in Islam
mashallah so beautiful it bring us to tears.................
barakallahufik inshallah we will all strive hard to be that good


muslim sis
thats was so sweet and very touching:hearts:(tears in eyes) :tti_sister:
jazakallah kheir for sharing brother


Sub Han Allah
Salamo Alikom,
If such thing really exists, I pray to be part of it.
I think this brings tears into all our eyes. Not just because it is so beautiful, but because this is so rare to find.
Ya Allah bless us with your love
And the love of who loves You
And the love of everything You love
Salamo Alikom


Junior Member

I never called this letter 'Dedicated to my Princess' as she is really my Baby, My Lady and My Queen.

The letter was in fact called 'I Never Left You...'

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
fma6 said:
MashAllah...so sweet

*silent tears*

If only the spouses of today put Allah and their Deen first...verily true happiness will be achieved then and only then.

um_mustafa said:
mashallah so beautiful it bring us to tears.................
barakallahufik inshallah we will all strive hard to be that good
zakiyah said:
Salamo Alikom,
If such thing really exists, I pray to be part of it.
I think this brings tears into all our eyes. Not just because it is so beautiful, but because this is so rare to find.
Ya Allah bless us with your love
And the love of who loves You
And the love of everything You love
Salamo Alikom

Oh come on...now I'm gonna start crying!


*sniffle* *sniffle* *blinks away some water in eyes*

But that was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard a brother say! For the fact that he KNOWS that Hurl Ein is in Jannah and is the wife of the Shaheeds, but he knew that, but he said that he didn't want Hurl Ein, only his wife that he had in Duniyah, and that's HIS ONLY true wife forever and ever!

Wow, kinda like me. :D But I haven't gone through years of happy marriage that I could write a poem like that. :)

And Alhamdulillah now I don't have to be worried if I ever take Shuhadah, cause SHE (two words in Arabic is all I'm saying) isn't gonna be there!

Ah yes, truly it feels great.

Gosh another thing is that now I know that sisters feel touched when their husbands say something with their love and heart to them.

And may Allah Ta Alla give ALL our sisters a husband like this, Ameen.

And Mashallah another thing over here is that you can see the heart of a Mujahid. The Mujahid who fight Fesabililllah go through many hardships, but they stay strong. And they fight to have the PLEASURE of Allah, not so they can have 72 Hurl Ein in Jannah, they fight in the way of Allah Ta Alla and after Shuhadah they become small birds in Jannah and eat from those fruits, and their other brothers that they fought with will be their with them (those who have taken Shuhadah before) and they rejoice thinking about the fact that those brothers will have a great amount of happiness (for those who have not yet joined them but are waiting to get matyred).

And when Allah Ta Alla asks them what do they want, they say, "Ya Allah, we would love to go back in the world and take Shuhadah again," because they love fighting in the way of Allah Ta Alla and pleasing him (by taking Shuhadah and to die fighting in his way, whether victorious or not), but none shall ever be able to come back into the Duniyah once they have died.

And many Mujahid have beauty in their face, Mashallah. :) And so sisters, if you are married or not, you shouldn't go to YouTube and search up Chechen Mujahid in the search bar if you don't want to see these really young looking or strong men fighting-
Whoops! sorry for letting it out. :D

Someone also posted this last year too, in like April. I remember it greatly *nods head up and down a bit too rapidly*

*dizzy* Assalamu Alykum Warahmatullahe Wabarakaathuh dear brothers and sisters.



This brough tears to my soul. May the abiding Peace of Allah subhana talla descend upon all of Allah subhana talla's creation.


Subhana Allah!

:mashallah:, it is very beautiful. it really did brought tears to my eyes. Alhamdulilah, jazak Allahu khayra for sharing



فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ


Indeed, as many have mentioned, much, much tears. If, really, as Sister Louly Sweet said, that *something* like this existed, the world would be such a good place. Ah! It's beyond our imagination.

May Allah (SWT) put His Love in our hearts, and make it our priority in every action that we take in life. Aameen.

Brother Osman, I really enjoyed it. It really made my night. May Allah (SWT) reward you for your efforts Insha Allah. Aameen.


*Aw, it was so sweet, I really loved it... :D* Beautiful Indeed!


Words cannot express how beautiful this is((crying))!! This is far the most beautiful post that I have ever read. May Allah keep us strong, Ameen!! Jazakallahu Khairan!