A request for the admin


Slave of Allah (swt)
:salam2: brother or sister

I really love this forum great work mashallah may Allah reward everyone for their effords, I have a couple of sugguestion would i like to present in the most sincere and polite way.

1-- I saw in the forum needs alot of donations to run, you mentions 1000's of dollars are being spend, well i used to be a proud owner of 2 forum with lots of members and placing some advertisement really helped.
Im not sugguesting you crowd the forum with advertisement, but where the donation banner is maybe you could place two or one adsense banners, inshallah with the blessing of Allah (swt) the ads can really help with the running of the website, if you feel like you dont want to put advertisement on the forum cuz you intentions are not to make money then just keep some for the website and donate other for many needed people.

2-- Could you please have a Urdu forum under the category of Other languages. I think there are considerate amount of urdu speaking people on the forum.

Thank you very much


Staff member
wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullah

1. Advertising, no.. and even the banner asking for money, I put that after a lot of people said that the site costs should be shared. It is not a big issue, ishaAllah. Allah will provide and we will spend.

2. InshaAllah, we will do an Urdu section too, when we are also able make sure that it will be moderated efficiently.....


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum
ok :) bro/sis you know best. and about urdu section I am pretty sure you can find someone to moderate it :) maybe u shud post and ask if someone wud like to moderate urdu forum.
aslam o alikum


Junior Member
wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullah

1. Advertising, no.. and even the banner asking for money, I put that after a lot of people said that the site costs should be shared. It is not a big issue, ishaAllah. Allah will provide and we will spend.

2. InshaAllah, we will do an Urdu section too, when we are also able make sure that it will be moderated efficiently.....


I agree with you advertisements should be a no-no.

The idea of Urdu section is good and I feel there are many competent Urdu speaking people who can moderate. May be a knowledgeable sister will be a good choice.


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum
i know everyone dont like ad but i was just thinking mostly how we cud donate money and actually help alot of ppl :)
its like how i take interest from the bank but i donate it to my risk safe but i might be getting hasanat for donation cuz its not my money but I am helping alot of ppl in need
and :) please any admin create a urdu section im pretty sure there are many people who can moderate it
thank u


Staff member
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah,

I know this is not addressed to me, but I just wanted to give a small input in regards to the language sections.

Whenever the idea comes to create a new language section, we always try to make sure we have a Moderator beforehand who will be able to look over it, delete unwanted and incorrect things, spend time to make sure it goes the way this site is directed to InshaAllah as the other Mods and Admin may not be able to understand and therefore do much for those sections.

However, the process is to find a Moderator first then create the section second. We dont ever ask for someone to take a position, as we wish to judge them not based on what language they do or dont know, but on their following of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah, their understanding of Islaamic concepts, their ability to be able to filter out things which are Bid'ah, close those thread etc as mentioned above. Not everyone who knows Urdu can do this unfortunately, and we wouldnt just want to get just anyone to then take that position if they couldnt do it you see?

Granted, there are many many Urdu speakers here and we do hope to be able to incorporate even more languages as time goes on, but we have to remember that it's not the quantity or in this case how far the site spreads, but more so the quality of what is on here, and the same goes for the information on the site as well as the people.

So we pray one day to be able to do this, but meanwhile ask that the wonderful Users continue gaining knowledge and help the other forums as much as they can inshaAllah so that we can really work on the quality of what is here.

I hope that made a little bit of sense. May Allah forgive me for my mistakes and facilitate all of our way to good. Ameen.



Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum
samiha sis thank u for explaining it ... yes it totally makes sense :) and i also hope that we find a suitable person cuz i would really enjoy having a urdu section cuz i really love this website and i want urdu to be a part of the forum so Pakistani/Indian ppl can also share alot of information that they have while feeling at home.
aslam o alikum