A tree


This is not so much a poem as just something to think on.

"If you compare the muslim ummah to a strong sturdy tree, in times of cold/drought some of the branches break off, the leaves fall but the tree does not lose its strength/its might; although it loses its luster and beauty. The roots be the senses and brain that allah has given us, and the nutrients from which it sips is the diin/iiman. When the iiman is low in the ummah, the tree loses its beauty, leaves, and flowers. It stand there naked and humiliated, but a skeleton of its former self.
Still large though it is.
From here there are 2 fates that can befall it.
Drought and disease befall it from lack of nutrition, until it withers and dies, and in its place sprouts a new sapling, beautiful and energetic it is as it feeds off the dead majestic tree that came before it. The new tree is at first, not as big as the old one, but it is beautiful and full of life, flowers, and fresh leaves.

The tree could re-establish its flow of nutrition through its roots, and instead of dying would just back to its former glory and beauty; and even more so than the last, as the tree grows more branches and grows even larger than before.

May allah make us the ummah that re-establishes our iimaan and returns the ummah to its former glory, and make us NOT the ones who lose the way, and are destroyed to make way for a new sprout. Amiin yaa rab-al a'alamiin. "


make dua 4 ma finals

Beautiful THOUGHT mashaAllah, JazakaAllah Khairan for sharing it with us. Ameen to your DUA.