A Veiled Woman's Response to the Niqab Debate (long but good)


Junior Member
In the past few weeks a British MP sparked a huge controversy in the UK on the Muslim woman’s dress commonly referred to by non-Muslim westerners as "the black veil" and by Muslims as the niqaab. I watched the controversy as it grew fiercely spreading across the western world and how it was being portrayed in the media. Many westerners began preparing for a mighty confrontation with the Muslim women who live in their countries that still choose to wear niqaab and they’ve assumed all of them to have immigrated from "back home". Some of them describe the wearing of the niqaab by Muslim women as “backwards”, “uncomfortable for them”, and in the words of the British Prime Minister Tony Blair it is a “mark of separation”. But although they express their feelings towards it in many ways, the overriding question on the mind of many westerners appears to be: Why are some Muslim women who are not forced to wear niqaab still choosing to do so in free western countries? Indeed, many westerners are baffled by this, and instead of trying to understand they turn to their own alternative explanations such as “they must be brainwashed” because saying these women are “oppressed” just doesn’t cut it anymore. As for these westerners, then I as a Muslim woman who wears niqaab say leave them to their ignorant assumptions for it is the same whether we explain to them or do not explain to them; they have chosen not to understand. But there are other westerners who when I make eye contact with them on the streets look more curious than cruel. And many sincerely wonder the reason for us turning to this traditional Islaamic dress when we simply aren’t forced to. And as for them perhaps it is only more of an explanation from a veiled Muslim woman that they want, and to know how niqaab benefits us and to them I say fair enough. I have chosen to write this piece for them (specifically) and I sincerely hope that it serves them well in explaining this to them. I have witnessed many non-Muslim western writers and self-proclaimed intellectuals set out to try and explain for themselves how we feel about niqaab and constantly suggest it is not possible for a rational woman to want this. But I wonder what makes them qualified to speak from the Muslim woman’s perspective on niqaab. Is there anyone more qualified to say how these Muslim women feel about wearing niqaab other than one of these Muslim women themselves? So here I go to explain to you the benefits of wearing niqaab, but first here is some relevant background information about me:

1. I was born and raised in Canada my whole life, am (of course) a Canadian citizen, and the only other country I have been to was the United States. So occasionally when I am shouted at to go back home to my own country I’m not really sure how to.

2. English is my first and only language.

3. I am considered educated by both Muslims and non-Muslims alike, and I hope by my writing you have observed this on your own.

4. No one on planet earth has forced me to wear niqaab and at any moment I could take it off and there would be no real consequences from others for doing so. And similarly, no one forces me to defend wearing niqaab or to speak well of it, and this I also do by choice.

5. At age nine I was told to wear the Muslim headscarf (commonly referred by Muslims as hijaab) but was able to do so still running around in jeans and a shirt. In grade ten I progressed to wearing skirts on my own. In grade twelve I began wearing the long black robe (abaya), which often is seen on Muslim women. Later on in the year, I began wearing niqaab and then I wore a long and loose garment over my abaya commonly referred to by Muslims as a khimaar. And finally to top it all off, I began to wear gloves. I love dressing like this and am happy to. Thus, I progressed to dressing this way, and most of my life did not do so.

6. Three years ago, I never thought I would ever wear niqaab and had much disdain for it at the time. Silly me.

7. Among the women I know who wear niqaab and have helped me to think differently about it are women who have converted to Islaam. Some of them are brown-skinned like me while others are white, black, Phillipino etc.

So this is where I come from and I hope you are now able to see its relevance to the issue at hand. But now to go on to the many benefits there are for me and other Muslim women in wearing the niqaab and dressing modestly. Some of the benefits I’ve received were expected and others have surprised me. This is not intended as a piece that fuels the debate on niqaab, but rather I’m just trying to convey the perspective of a Muslim woman on wearing her own niqaab. Surely as these are my feelings and no one can feel them but me, no one can argue against them. It may be wondered will I mention any disadvantages of wearing it, but by Allah I know of no real or meaningful disadvantages that are of any concern to me.

Benefit 1: It is an Act of Worship that Can Yield Reward

Of surprise to many I’m sure, in Islaam it is well know that an act of worship goes beyond prayer. Wearing niqaab and dressing modestly for the Muslim woman is also an act of worship, an opportunity to please Allah, which means she can be rewarded for it. Imagine the comfort I then feel to know that every time I wear it I may be rewarded for doing so and to constantly be wearing it throughout life takes its potential reward almost beyond my understanding.

Benefit 2: You are Immediately Identified as a Muslim Woman

As women who dress like me are attributed to Islaam, there is no need to explain to others what religion I am from. Since people immediately know I’m Muslim many of them then expect certain behaviors of mine to be different from theirs because of my different religious teachings. And many people kindly make way for my differences because of this acknowledgement. And it is an honour to be identified as a Muslim woman.

Benefit 3: It Brings the Best Treatment from Men

I have found Muslim and Non-Muslim men alike to treat me better than ever since I began observing niqaab. They move aside for me to let me pass, never come within my personal space, and practice decent behavior when it is necessary for them to speak to me. You won’t find them making inappropriate gestures or remarks to me that would offend many other women, but rather I’m not bothered. To my relief I am left peacefully alone to go about my business without the worry that I need to ward anyone off. Often I’ve seen or have known of women becoming extremely angry because men who find them attractive would bother them and when these women demand that they stop these men do not take them seriously. To many men, the primary message a woman gives off is in her manner of dress which dictates to them how to treat her.

Benefit 4: More Clothes Means more Protection

When we dress in this manner around non-related men we do not incite their desires so that they may want to harm us. Rather, it effectively discourages them from bothering, molesting, or harassing us as the wearing of clothes and the covering up of beauty naturally calms the desires of the other gender rendering you to be left alone in peace. They have no business with us, and we cannot be deceived by them. And how often do we hear of young mothers becoming pregnant thinking themselves loved only to be abandoned when they are finished being toyed with. And how can a man desire a woman whose beauty is not even described to him? So naturally this type of dress is protection, it is the easiest protection to accomplish, and when we are in the company of our male relatives who would not harm us (like others men may) and in whom we can place our immediate trust regarding ourselves and our honour we don’t need to cover to this extent. The vast majority of the time in fact we are not dressed this way. This same idea of protection can be applied regarding the two genders. As women are generally physically weaker than men and more vulnerable to this type of harm by them, she can balance out this disadvantage by wearing more clothes for protection. So wearing niqaab is also befitting for our very nature as women.

Benefit 5: More Protection Means a Greater Feeling of Ease and Peace

Security is a human need that when felt naturally leaves a human being in a state of relief and encourages feelings of ease and peace. For me when I cover, I know I am shielded from every strange man who may have within them perversions, evil thoughts, or may commit lewd acts I may not know about. It is impossible to tell which of them may possess these ill traits in public, and so often do we find the most decent looking person to have committed the most heinous crimes. So we get to choose which men get to see us and we choose for them to be our male relatives (our honourable and beloved protectors). And it is a unique power for a woman to have this choice. To know then that simply wearing niqaab does away with much of these threats naturally leaves the Muslim woman feeling ease and peace beneath the veil.

Benefit 6: It Makes Beauty Easy on Women

Many women nowadays, particularly in the western world, exhaust themselves before going out in public applying make-up, tending to their hair, and choosing an outfit to wear for the day; a process which takes some hours. And before heading out many cram their feet into outrageously oppressive and uncomfortable high-heel shoes. Some women find the public pressure of body image so intense that they take to greater extremes and suffer from such disorders as bulimia and anorexia nervosa. Ironically, they call themselves free in doing so and equal to men yet do this primarily for the sake of men. And then upon coming home, these women in the presence of their spouse or family do not care to exert the same effort in tending to their appearance. For Muslim women it is the complete opposite, and the niqaab plays a huge part in that. We need not struggle to please the many men outside of our homes who have no business with us but we need only please our spouse and family and that is a lot less people. After all, the relationship lies between a woman and her spouse, and not a woman and other men in society. Or at least from an Islaamic standpoint that is how meaningful relationships should be.

Benefit 7: It Helps to Preserve Praiseworthy Virtues

Among the virtues we Muslim women try to strive for, and indeed we consider them virtues, are the virtues of modesty and chastity. And these are virtues all Muslims strive for. The niqaab helps to preserve and feed these virtues. When the women of society possess them then the whole of society benefits. That is because we find there is a direct link between how women of a society generally dress and how much temptation there is for men and women to fall into fornication, adultery, and other despicable acts. And it is these acts that destroy families and cause all of society to fall into corruption and weakness. Having these virtues also paves the way for gaining other virtues such as decency, honour, uprightness, integrity, piety, discipline, honesty etc. Many westerners mock Muslim women in veil, and praise other types of women such as Hollywood actresses and endeavor to be like them. I wonder what good example we can take from them. Even though these women can publicly be seen in movies performing acts that at one point in time were done only in a bedroom, they are still seen as a beacon of light for the many women of the western world and are constantly called role models. And I have never witnessed the condemning of their behavior by westerners whilst the condemning of niqaab and the wearing of modest clothes has been vicious. I fear it would be painfully hard and degrading to always attain their fake appearance, to be seen as a sex object, and to answer each call of this sickly vain society. So let it be seen by us in which way this leads to our happiness, goodness for us, and freedom. And let it be seen by us some meaningful and lasting relationships they are able to carry with their boyfriends, spouses and families as a result of their behavior. We do not see it. The behavior of many western women and what they value can likewise be baffling to us Muslim women.

Benefit 8: It Means Freedom for Us

Can it be denied that everyone has their own notion of what freedom is? For Muslim women, freedom is not as absurdly simple as: the fewer clothes you wear the more free you are. And it does not mean you are able to do whatever you wish. We as well as all Muslims consider us bound by religion and our worship is to Allah not to our own vain desires. Freedom first comes to us in worshipping Allah alone and not ascribing partners to Him or giving what belongs to Him to others. This is freedom in that it satisfies the natural inclination of a human being to worship their Lord and does so in a manner that can be easily understood and that gives Him His due respect. And as for the way niqaab offers us Muslim women freedom is that it frees us from all kinds of harm that comes to women from many angles and allows us to serve our Lord. Primarily I am referring to the harm that can be inflicted on women by men when women incite their natural desires. And it also frees us from going against our nature and we are allowed to have shame and we are not pressured to display our bodies to strangers. And we are freed from the expectation to please with our appearance every man in public. And this is what we consider to be freedom. And even if westerners were to consider whether or not we are free according to their standards even they would have to consider us free because we are doing what we want to do out of pure choice.

Benefit 9: It is a Befitting Action for Nowadays Especially

In the eyes of many, niqaab is a backwards thing, a thing from the past, a tradition, and something no longer needed nowadays. On the contrary, I have found the need to wear it more than ever especially because harassment, molestation, and assault on women are more wildly rampant than ever and the morals of society as a whole have decreased. The need for a woman to wear niqaab grows as the threats against her that niqaab effectively shields against increase. There is not denying in the west threats to a woman’s honour widely exist, and these threats to women also spread across the world from its direction.

So although others may express their hatred for the niqaab and those who wear it, it cannot be said by other then a Muslim woman who chooses to wears it how we feel about wearing it, and what we consider it to do for us. So this is what I say, and be assured it reflects the views of other Muslim women who wear niqaab by choice in the west. Were others to say “well this is the opinion of only one of them” I would fear they would reflect yet further ignorance of Muslim women. In light of this great niqaab controversy I know of nobody more knowledgeable or experienced in the field of niqaab other then the veiled Muslim woman. And I know of nobody's opinion being more relevant and important in the niqaab debate other then hers. And I know of the niqaab more then those who don’t wear it. And of my niqaab I know of only good.


Staff member
Assalamu Alaykum,

with regards the niqab obligatory or not issue

this is not matter for us to be debating over. This is Matter of difference

There is not much evidence on INTERNET for the Niqab is Mustahab issue. We should not be taking knowledge from Internet but from Scholars.

NIqab is Mustahab but not Fardh. This is the opinion of many Shayukh of past and present. This is based upon the correct understanding of the Ayat from Quran and the Hadith. This is where i derive my own opinion from.

It is best if sister wear niqab, but it is not a sin to not cover face or hands. This is not part of the Hijab as mentioned in the Quran.

This was opinion of Shaykh Muhammad Nasir udDeen al Albani (Rahimahullah)

So, i dont want a debate, i understand YOUR view point and the View point of Shaykh Ibn BAz and Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen. I understand where they base their judgement from.But, i also understand the other viewpoints, so this is how i derive my stance.

You can place your own threads with regards niqab if you wish, but there is no reason to ruin or bad talk other forms of legitimate opinion.


Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
Wa alaykum Assalam

Brother..we here..accept our Evidence as u..and when we say it's an ikhtilaf matter..we cann'r say bad thinks about the other views..

Brother All us here for sake of Allah..

Surely..we Denfense 4 our Aqeedah..But we Don't Make debating over

...we write here what we believe..that's All..

And Allah know the Best..



Junior Member
I am one of them not long ago...

Dear sis Ummtaymiyyah,


Congrad... on the strength and blessings that Allah give to you for wearing niqaab...After becoming a muslimah, I had experience of not covering my head, with hijab and with niqaab also.

I certainly do not feel calm by not covering my head. On the other hand, I feel great peace with niqaab. It was like I was covered and protected in my own world, safe and secure... However, I found it hard for me to carry on with my daily work actually with such a heavy load of clothing in a country with daytime temperature about 34 degree celsius.

Perhaps, one day, when I become a housewife, only need to come out for grocery shopping once a while, I might have the strength to be in niqaab again. But i truly happy for you indeed...:)

On the other hand, I could truly understand the feeling of the non-muslim reaction towards niqaab as I was one of them not long ago...This kind of negative feelings persisted even after my convertion although I knew the reason of it. It only disappeared after I put them on myself. Therefore, it is perfectly normal for a non-muslim to react like this. Perhaps posting a thread in turntoislam is not an effective way. Perhaps you should post an articles elsewhere which could reach the non-muslim western comunity. You are right in the sense that only the veiled women explained the niqaab issues the best...Not to the muslim comunity but the non-muslim comunity and I wish you all the best...:SMILY252:

By the way, i am comfortable with my hijab nowadays...:hijabi:

your sister,


Junior Member
It gets pointless to argue this after a while if the scholars can't come to an agreement on it neither can we but they all do agree the niqab is Mustahab. But from what I know the majority of the scholars and student in Yemen agree that it is wajib and I have not hard any different from Shaykh Yahya al Hajoori. So brothers and sisters can argue this issue for days without coming to a conclusion. And we should not look down on those that say niqab is wajib because that is the position of the majority of scholars today and the opinion of the four Imaams. So people should agree to disagree this is a figh issue and we can always find ikhtilaf in figh issues, so just take which one you find to be stronger. And I think we all agree that the niqab is better and safer for women.


Junior Member
Dear sis Ummtaymiyyah,


Congrad... on the strength and blessings that Allah give to you for wearing niqaab...After becoming a muslimah, I had experience of not covering my head, with hijab and with niqaab also.

I certainly do not feel calm by not covering my head. On the other hand, I feel great peace with niqaab. It was like I was covered and protected in my own world, safe and secure... However, I found it hard for me to carry on with my daily work actually with such a heavy load of clothing in a country with daytime temperature about 34 degree celsius.

Perhaps, one day, when I become a housewife, only need to come out for grocery shopping once a while, I might have the strength to be in niqaab again. But i truly happy for you indeed...:)

On the other hand, I could truly understand the feeling of the non-muslim reaction towards niqaab as I was one of them not long ago...This kind of negative feelings persisted even after my convertion although I knew the reason of it. It only disappeared after I put them on myself. Therefore, it is perfectly normal for a non-muslim to react like this. Perhaps posting a thread in turntoislam is not an effective way. Perhaps you should post an articles elsewhere which could reach the non-muslim western comunity. You are right in the sense that only the veiled women explained the niqaab issues the best...Not to the muslim comunity but the non-muslim comunity and I wish you all the best...:SMILY252:

By the way, i am comfortable with my hijab nowadays...:hijabi:

your sister,

Wa alaykum assalam ukhti,

Jazak illaahu khairan for your response, I would just like to point out though that it was not myself who wrote this, It was sent in to islam ca, by the sister, and Masha'Allah I thought it may be a benefit to post it here.
I left the name off the post, as I wasnt sure if I should put it on, but maybe I will so ppl dont think it is me who wrote it.
But alhamdulillah I also wear the niqaab, i have done for about 4 years now alhamdulillah, at first it was a bit strange, as far as stares from non muslims I cant realy say if it increased, as Im a white revert and felt I got stared at quite alot without the niqaab, so Allahu alam.
Alhamdulillah like the sister said there are so many benefits to wearing the niqaab, especially in this day and age.

Take care,

Wa salaam

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
Dear sis Ummtaymiyyah,


Congrad... on the strength and blessings that Allah give to you for wearing niqaab...After becoming a muslimah, I had experience of not covering my head, with hijab and with niqaab also.

I certainly do not feel calm by not covering my head. On the other hand, I feel great peace with niqaab. It was like I was covered and protected in my own world, safe and secure... However, I found it hard for me to carry on with my daily work actually with such a heavy load of clothing in a country with daytime temperature about 34 degree celsius.

Perhaps, one day, when I become a housewife, only need to come out for grocery shopping once a while, I might have the strength to be in niqaab again. But i truly happy for you indeed...:)

On the other hand, I could truly understand the feeling of the non-muslim reaction towards niqaab as I was one of them not long ago...This kind of negative feelings persisted even after my convertion although I knew the reason of it. It only disappeared after I put them on myself. Therefore, it is perfectly normal for a non-muslim to react like this. Perhaps posting a thread in turntoislam is not an effective way. Perhaps you should post an articles elsewhere which could reach the non-muslim western comunity. You are right in the sense that only the veiled women explained the niqaab issues the best...Not to the muslim comunity but the non-muslim comunity and I wish you all the best...:SMILY252:

By the way, i am comfortable with my hijab nowadays...:hijabi:

your sister,

Wa alaykum assalam ukhti,

Jazak illaahu khairan for your response, I would just like to point out though that it was not myself who wrote this, It was sent in to islam ca, by the sister, and Masha'Allah I thought it may be a benefit to post it here.
I left the name off the post, as I wasnt sure if I should put it on, but maybe I will so ppl dont think it is me who wrote it.
But alhamdulillah I also wear the niqaab, i have done for about 4 years now alhamdulillah, at first it was a bit strange, as far as stares from non muslims I cant realy say if it increased, as Im a white revert and felt I got stared at quite alot without the niqaab, so Allahu alam.
Alhamdulillah like the sister said there are so many benefits to wearing the niqaab, especially in this day and age.

Take care,

Wa salaam

Assalam alaykum..

Masha` Allah two good post

May Allad reward u paradise Ameen..



Junior Member
Dear sis Ummtaymiyyah,


Thanks for your explaination and sister , congrad to you as Allah give you the strength to be in niqaab.

My point here is that it is necessary for the muslim to explain to the non-muslim cummunity regarding the meaning and importance of niqaab to muslim women. The reaction from non-muslim is understandable as they do not understand our religion. It is the responsibility for us to explain and it is one type of Dawah also and the best person to do this is the veiled women themselves. The channal to do so should be correct in order to penentrate the non-muslims community.

On the other hand, the benefits that stated in the article is all quite subjective depending on a person`s location, environment and her sociaty. However, one thing for sure is the rewards from Allah swt and the peace that Allah puts in our heart when in niqaab...That`s something that can not be denied...That`s why I am happy for all sisters that could be in niqaab...and please pray for me also...:blackhijab:

Dear Bro ibnabdullah87,


First of all I must clarify that I have no intension to argue whether niqaab is wajib or not. :SMILY286: Please understand that niqaab or Hijaab or even not covering the head, it is a matter of faith to Allah. It is 100% in between Allah and the muslimah herself. Do not forget everything is in the hand of Allah including our faith and amal. One have to continuously put in efforts on the iman/faith to Allah and trying to be better from time to time...InsyaAllah, Allah will give her the strength and environment for her to increase her amal. If a muslimah choose to have niqaab, it has to be for the sake of Allah only and not because of any other worldly benefits, certainly not because it is `better and safer` in that way. Please keep in mind that niqaab might not be `safer and better` in certain countries and under certain circumstances...


Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
First of all I must clarify that I have no intension to argue whether niqaab is wajib or not. :SMILY286: Please understand that niqaab or Hijaab or even not covering the head, it is a matter of faith to Allah. It is 100% in between Allah and the muslimah herself. Do not forget everything is in the hand of Allah including our faith and amal. One have to continuously put in efforts on the iman/faith to Allah and trying to be better from time to time...InsyaAllah, Allah will give her the strength and environment for her to increase her amal. If a muslimah choose to have niqaab, it has to be for the sake of Allah only and not because of any other worldly benefits, certainly not because it is `better and safer` in that way. Please keep in mind that niqaab might not be `safer and better` in certain countries and under certain circumstances...

wa Alaykum Assalam

gazakum Allah khyran 4 sharing these good points which make this case so clear to everyone...



Junior Member
Your right sister but when I was speaking about arguing it was not toward you at all, sorry for the misunderstanding. The reason why I said safer is because that is the reason for hijab for women so they are known and not harased.


New Member
Benefit 1: It is an Act of Worship that Can Yield Reward

Benefit 2: You are Immediately Identified as a Muslim Woman

Benefit 3: It Brings the Best Treatment from Men

Benefit 4: More Clothes Means more Protection

Benefit 5: More Protection Means a Greater Feeling of Ease and Peace

Benefit 6: It Makes Beauty Easy on Women

Benefit 7: It Helps to Preserve Praiseworthy Virtues
Benefit 8: It Means Freedom for Us

Benefit 9: It is a Befitting Action for Nowadays Especially

I remember long ago these same "benefits" were given for the simple hijaab before people even thought of wearing niqaab. So what are we to conclude by that? Any woman who makes an honest effort to follow the command of her Lord by way of the Example given to us by Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, should be congratulated and respected, whether she be muhtajibah or mutanaqibah. I am no fence sitter on this subject however; I see how this issue could be divisive among the Ummah, and it has already been exploited by many in the west. I believe we should remove it as an issue with them and among ourselves. I truly wonder how many women wear it as an act of worship as opposed to as a symbol of acceptance, amont their peers or spouses, present or perspective, and Allah knows best.


Junior Member
I just wanted to thank you all for discussing the hijab (and niqab) and why you wear it. As a new sister, these discussions have not only helped me to start wearing hijab myself, but i think such articles will help me when the time comes to explain to my family and friends why I cover myself. when explaining to non-muslims why one wears hijab, just saying that it is a commandment from Allah isn't usually enough to make them understand! I hope, inshallah that I can tell my family soon of my conversion!
:hijabi: :blackhijab: :shymuslima1: :girl3: