"A warning against the Khawaru" What is that??

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Salam Alaikum

I didnt get what you exactly said.....sister,....please make it clear....
I didnt want to hurt you or any other, I was just making it to pass though your throat. it is really a matter of concern that we are dividing too much, even more than the Jews and the Christian......but the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam has worned this 1400years ago....
and I just didnt tell it you, it was also for my reminding, that to be safe, to be on the right path, we should hold the Quran and Sunnah firmly......and that's why he Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sllam made us aware of it.

sister, i didnt wanted to hurt you, or anyone else here...if you have hurted or anyone's hurted, please forgive me....my indication wasnt to anyone....I think everyone will get this and will have a forgiveful eye to me.

And Allah knows the best
jazakum Allahu Khair
wasslamu alaikum

akhi calm down no ones hurt by your comment.i was talking about myself:)here i say it this way...
what if i'm trying to do the above and ppl tell me to stop i'm hurting ppl??what then??
err hope it's clear:eek:

barakallah fik

You didn't hurt anyone, but I think Seeking Allahs Mercy is a little confused over your comment. >___<

nope!!he's confused about mine:pi just thought it was strange how some random posts can say stuff that's on my mind:D!!!


Saalam Alakium

thus I feel free......ahh.....alhamdu li Allah....
now i'm off the guilty feeling..
yes sister i got you wrong....

anyways....now I've got that

Jazakum Allahu Khair