about Gelatin is halal or haram?


Junior Member
i want to know Gelatin is derived from animals without islamic slaughtering, is it halal?

who know this?
tell me

thank you


Junior Member
The shari`ah rule about animal skin differs from that of animal bone:
SKIN: Animal skin or anything made from it can be considered tahir
(pak) "only if the animal had been slaughtered Islamically."
Consequently, the gelatine derived from animal skin would be
considered najis unless we know that the animal had been slaughtered
Islamically. [Those present-day mujtahids who consider the animal
slaughtered unIslamically as tahir but haram -- their opinion does not
affect this answer that much because in their opinion, even if that animal
skin is tahir, it is still haram for consumption by human beings.]
Aalim: Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi