About Music and backbiting


New Member
:tti_sister:Asalamu alaikum my brothers and sisters in islam...

I was just wondering if anyone can help me. I'm so worried because i work in a department store and there's alwyas music playing in the shop and i've become so acustomed to listening to it and yet i know it is haram in islam. Will i be punished for this? Should i just change my job, i hate listening to it but theres nothing i can do about it????

Also, ramadan is coming insh'allah next month and i will insh'allah be fasting but i will still be listening to the music at my work, i'm worried my fasting won't be accepted because i will be listening to haram things?

I am a revert to islam for about 4 years now, alhumdulillah and i want to stay firm on the deen of Allah swt,

Also, where i work i am the only muslim and i'm constantly surrounded by backbiting and people calling eachother behing their backs...i never backbite people but people call others to me and i just try and defend the other person or keep quiet. Am i still to blame for hearing the backbiting? I feel really bad about it but i don't know what to do?

Please if anyone has any advice could they please help me...

Jazakkallah for your replies and may Allah swt reward you all in your efforts.

your sister in islam


New Member
As Salaamu 'alaykum, sister.

It will be easy for us to say that you should quit the job but in reality it may be difficult for you. IF you can find a better job, then you should quit this job and go the other job. If, however, you can't find another good job, then we can further discuss your issue in that place.

You mentioned that music runs in the background. Well, now there is the issue of hearing and listening. If you listen to the music and like it, then we may say that you are committing a sin. If you hear the music playing but you constantly remind yourself of how bad it is, then inshaa'Allaah that will not count as listening. You might also want to try asking them to stop the music or at least for the time of Ramadaan. Or, if you have a computer there or they allow audio players like a mobile phone, then you can put the headphone on your ears and listen to the Qur'aan so as to gain benefit and not hear the music.

You can nicely tell the backbiting people that you really don't like backbiting, that it only creates problems, and that it is against your religion. Whenever somebody comes and tries to start backbiting somebody you can just say "Come on! Let's not talk about people. We are not beter than them." and similar expressions which with a few encounters will get the message over to them that you do not like backbiting and inshaa'Allaah they will stop doing that in front of or with you.

Again, if you can find a similar good job where these things actions are not around, then we advise you to take that other job. If, however, after attempts for finding another job don't work, then you can try your best to avoid those actions and inshaa'Allaah no sin will be upon you.

Sister, you might also want to start doing some Da'waah to them. I suggest you start reading and watching some Da'waah tutorials so that you can start communicating Islaam to them.