About Woman's toward men...


Always Alhamdulilah
Assalamo alikom warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu..

I Just want your help for a thing- Where in Quran does it say that a woman can't sit beside a unknown man, and talk to him? Is is halal if it is about work, school, etc. if there is a reason for it- at all :D

Please this is for an nonmuslim.. therefor need some quotes from Quran- and hadeeths if it is possible-

Otherwise thanks :D

Love u all for the sake of Allah:hearts:

walaikom alsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu..


Junior Member
Assalamo alikom warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu..

I Just want your help for a thing- Where in Quran does it say that a woman can't sit beside a unknown man, and talk to him? Is is halal if it is about work, school, etc. if there is a reason for it- at all :D

Please this is for an nonmuslim.. therefor need some quotes from Quran- and hadeeths if it is possible-

Otherwise thanks :D

Love u all for the sake of Allah:hearts:

walaikom alsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu..

There is a difference between free mixing and need. So, in the context of need and as long as the correct manners are observed - a firm tone of voice, not soft and gentle inviting fitnah, not being alone in a room etc... then it is permissable. The hijab is a means of being involved in society in a halal way - so the inner hijab is as important as the outer one we wear inshAllah. To choose an alternative source for meeting your needs is preferable, however, it is a fact that we must live in society whether muslim or not and even if limited sometimes interact with men. Knowing the limits on how to do so is fard though - so not making friends or flirting, removing cause for fitnah - no perfume, no make-up, no tight clothing or jewellery on display. Character most of all to exude a 'hands off' attitude is a great hijab!


New Member
In addition to sister Asiya-sparkles advice, the specific evidence for this case is the statement of the Prophet (salla Allaahu 'alayhy wa sallam)'s statement:

لَا يَخْلُوَنَّ رَجُلٌ بِامْرَأَةٍ إِلَّا كَانَ ثَالِثَهُمَا الشَّيْطَانُ

"Whenever a man is alone with a woman, the third (with them) will be the devil." (Reported by at-Tirmithee (and others) and it is Saheeh)

The more general evidences are found in many places including the verses pertaining to a woman's dress, the prohibition of lustful gazing, and similar texts.


Junior Member
There is a difference between free mixing and need. So, in the context of need and as long as the correct manners are observed - a firm tone of voice, not soft and gentle inviting fitnah, not being alone in a room etc... then it is permissable. The hijab is a means of being involved in society in a halal way - so the inner hijab is as important as the outer one we wear inshAllah. To choose an alternative source for meeting your needs is preferable, however, it is a fact that we must live in society whether muslim or not and even if limited sometimes interact with men. Knowing the limits on how to do so is fard though - so not making friends or flirting, removing cause for fitnah - no perfume, no make-up, no tight clothing or jewellery on display. Character most of all to exude a 'hands off' attitude is a great hijab!

Salaam Alaikum,

SubhanAllah, an amazing reply. May Allah reward you abundantly. Love the idea of character as hijaab. Well done!

Was Salaam