Accepting Diwali sweets


Junior Member

Well, since im studying in india, my friends here are celebrating diwali and they are offering me sweets. Is it allowed for me to accept their sweets and eat them? Because i read a fatwa, which says that you shouldn't eat anything which they offer to you on their festival day, because its like celebrating it with them, and accepting their Gods. Something like that. So what i did was, i accepted them after refusing a few times, but i didn't eat them, i fed it to the animals outside :) is that allowed? is it similar to wasting food? Accepting it but not eating it.

Please if some brother or sister can tell me what to do in these circumstances...

:salam2: Anything that has been placed in front of there hindu god which they call devta ko bhog chadhana to eat that is haram. But to eat a sweet that has not been put in front of there idol is ok i think.


Junior Member

yeah sis, the thing is, they don't put the sweets infront of their idols. Only certain food. These sweets are normally bought from the shops. Now thats why its confusing me, because some scholars do say its haraam to eat anything they give on their festivals, because its like encouraging them and taking part in it. So even their invitations for feast should be refused on their festivals it seems. So im not really clear on this. Others say its Alright. Now who is right?



Sister in Islam
well my manager bought some sweets in today for Diwali and I ate them, they are sweets and harmless. I bring in sweets at Eid and everyone eats them. Sharing food is a nice thing.



i think it's a bad idea to accept and eat food from the EID DAYS of different religions, because it gives the appearance of you accepting the holiday with them. i know it's hard to turn down some good candy, but we don't want to question ourselves as to whether we have committed shirk or not. if you feel that you can't turn down the person, you should take the sweets and discard them later. that way you haven't hurt anyones feelings nor have caused yourself to wonder if you have done something wrong.


Servant of Allah
:salam2: I think the best thing that would satisfy you is to ask the ulama of islam or a person who you think has enough knowledge to make a fatwa.


Junior Member
I wouldn't technically have a problem with it like they said as long as it hasn't been placed before their idols, because I was reading a story of one of the companions of the prophet, and she feared that she shouldn't take anything from those who were not muslim, he said that as long as they are not making war on you and your faith then it was ok to take from them. I could be wrong but thats what I read, but like some have said ask someone who is more knowledgeable


Junior Member
i wouldnt accept it because its not a Muslim Holiday and for Muslims there are only 2 Eid(Festivels) Eid-ul-Adha and Eid-ul-Fitr, accepting the sweets will be like accepting their holiday which is not allowed in Islam, but like someone mentioned you should ask the scholar at


Junior Member
Assalaamu Alaykum wr wb
my colleagues brought divali cakes this morning..and they opened their boxes and told me to take i took 1 from each box,,,i cannot refuse them...cos i'm the only muslim in the office..all are hindus!!!!

Plz ALLAH Forgive me if i have sinned.


Junior Member
:salam2: in my former corporate life prior to this year, if it is a sin to take cookies baked for a holiday not related to islam, i surely am guilty. :astag:.... colleagues used to bake and bring in cookies and pastries prior to what they call "the holidays" to be politically correct in the usa... (which was really christmas, and our office closed for that week every year).

i am unfamiliar with hindu holidays and rituals and am not in a position to judge anything like this... like you, brother etoile de mer, i was the only muslim in my office (everyone else was christian).

if there is a fatwa pertaining to this, i think we can all benefit, Insha Allah.

May ALLAH guide us to the straight path and may we steer clear of anything that is not halal. Ameen.
