Adopt a Sunnah #12 - USING THE USELESS

Ziyad Aly Mamade


Adopt a Sunnah #12

Clothing is a bounty that is exclusive to humans. No other creation enjoys such a bounty. Allah Ta'ala has made reference to this blessing in the Qur'aan, 'O Mankind, we have indeed granted you clothing that covers your shame and that is a means of adornment.' (al-A'raaf Aayat26). The Historians state that it was Nabi Idrees Úáíå ÓáÇã who was the first person to sow garments of cloth. Prior to that, man used animal skin as his garb. (al-awaail, li Suyuti pg.85)

Suppose for a moment that man had to throd the earth as an animal does, with only his skin as his clothing. Imagine the shame and inconvenience it would have caused yet Almighty Allah has provided us with a huge variety of garments.

As the seasons change and with the passage of time, one feels the need to acquire new clothing. At times, when new garments arrive, the old ones tend to find a place in the corner of the wardrobe/closet, never to be worn again. Have we ever reflected over the agony of that person who has to endure the icy winds of winter, while we have a wide range of warm clothing lying unused? When one adopts the Sunnah of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalam , then even those 'useless' old clothes become ‘useful’.

Upon receiving new clothes, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalam would donate his old clothes and say, 'Whoever adorns new clothes, recites the following du'aa and thereafter donates his old clothing to a poor Muslim, remains in the protection, patronage and Divine veil of Almighty Allah throughout his life as well as after his demise. As long as even one thread (of the donated clothing) remains on somebody's body.’

‘Alhamdulillaahi ladhiy kasaaniy maa uwaari bihi awratiy wa atajammalu bihi fiy hayaatiy’

(Sunan al-Tirmidhi Hadith3560; Al-Mustadrak vol.4 pg.193)

The narrator of this Hadith, Sayyiduna Umar (r) would annually embark on a winter-warmth programme. He Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalam would encourage the Muslims to keep warm and even ensure that they had sufficient woollen socks, jerseys, etc. (Lataaiful Ma'arif pg.564)

In the narration of Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Abbaas (r) , Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalam is reported to have said, 'He who clothes any destitute Muslim, remains in the security of Allah as long as a single piece remains on his body.' (Sunan al-Tirmidhi Hadith2484; Shu'abul Imaan Hadith8575)

The rewards stated above are obtained by one when the destitute merely dons those garments. The reward will definitely multiply if he were to adorn those clothes whilst offering Salaat, observing the fast or any other virtuous deed.

With the arrival of Winter, many of us may have purchased new garments to combat the weather whilst there remains out there many others who cannot afford to do so. These less fortunate ones include innocent children, as well as weak senior citizens. Their plight is worsened further by the power shortages in certain areas. This affords us an ideal opportunity of practising upon this noble Sunnah of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalam . Furthermore, as a Muslim minority, this also affords us the opportunity to extend the warmth of Islam to the indigenous population of our country. Imagine the reward one could acquire, if through this simple deed somebody embraces Islam. If this is the reward for donating old clothes, what would be in store for one who donates new clothing? With the motive being ‘Winter Warmth’, one may even consider donating blankets, heaters, soup kitchens, etc. The potential for growth is unimaginable!


Winter or Spring ?

Sayyiduna Abu Sa'eed al-Khudriy (r) reports that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalam said, 'Winter is the Spring of a believer for its nights are lengthy so he offers (additional) Tahajjud Salaat and its days are short so he is (easily) able to fast.' (Musnad Ahmad vol.3 pg.75; )

Spring is the Season when the flowers blossom. A believer is able to blossom in winter by taking advantage of the long nights and the short evenings.

Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Mas'ood (r) used to welcome the winter season by saying, 'Welcome to winter, (a month) in which blessings are sent down, (a month) whose nights are long, so that (abundant) Salaats may be performed and whose days are short so that fasting is easy.' (Lataaiful Ma'arif pg.558)

How unfortunate is he who wastes these nights at festivals and shows.

Jannah for Old Clothes

One cold night, Shaykh Safwaan ibn Sulaym [ra] had come out of the Musjid of Rasulullah r in Madinah Munawwarah when he noticed a destitute suffering in the cold. The Shaykh [ra] gave the destitute some of his personal clothing whereupon a person in Syria was shown in a dream that Safwaan [ra] had been blessed with Jannah because of this. (Lataaiful Ma’arif]

The Heat and Cold of Jahannam

The cold weather of Winter should remind one of the ‘burning cold’ of Jahannam. Sayyiduna ibn Abbaas (r) says, ‘The inmates of Jahannam will ask to be rescued from the excrutiating heat of Jahannam. An icy cold wind will be blown upon them, which will cause their bones to ache after which they will beg for heat again.’ [Lataaiful Ma’arif]

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalam is reported to have said, ‘When a person recites the following supplication, Allah Ta’ala says to Jahannam, ‘Indeed, a servant of mine has sought refuge in Me from you, bear testimony that I have granted him salvation from you.’ (Ibnus Sunni Hadith307)

‘Laa ilaaha illallaahu maa ashadda burda haadhal yawm, Allaahumma ajirniy min zamhareer Jahannam’

When one recites Bismillaah before removing one’s clothes, the Jinn and Shaytaan are prevented from seeing one’s private parts. [Sunan al-Tirmidhi Hadith606; Faydhul Qadeer Hadith4662]

It is also Mustahabb (meritorious) to say Bismillah when wearing any clothes. (Al-Azkaar)