Advice For New Muslims


Turn To Islam
Assalaamu alaykum! Peace be upon you!

The joy, exhilaration, and lifetime importance of accepting Islam can often be accompanied by a sense of being overwhelmed and unsure of how to best approach the new dimensions of one's life. So many details, one might think, so many books, so many rules. Look again: Islam is not an obscure, complicated religion. It is the natural religion, and as such, it is a way of life - there is no need to panic. There are, however, several things that will greatly facilitate the transition to an Islamic lifestyle:

(1) Venture, boldly or meekly, into a nearby muslim community so that you can enjoy the camaraderie and guidance of practicing muslims. Introduce yourself as a new revert and insha'allah, with some give and take, you will be welcomed into the ummah [muslim community]. If you find that you are uncomfortable amongst these people even after some time, don't hesitate to try and locate other muslims at another mosque, if such a luxury is available to you where you reside. Muslims are people, you will like some, love others, and so on. Don't get discouraged if you don't find a muslim soul mate immediately!

(2) Learn salat, the five-times-daily contact prayer. Learning the movements and Arabic words will be challenging at first, but with *practice* you will master it eventually, I promise! It always helps to have a friend to ask about the details, hence (1) above. There are numerous muslim books and websites to guide you through learning salat. Try to learn the basics first before you get caught up with trying to learn many dua'as [supplications] or surahs [verses] from the Qur'an. Keep it simple and regular and your faith and self-confidence will improve daily.

(3) Read the Qur'an. Try to get a widely accepted edition like the 'Abdullah Yusuf 'Ali Qur'an in Arabic with English translation and commentary. Read slowly, savor the words, but read by all means. It is the most important book you will ever come across.

As you are becoming settled in your new life as a muslim, things that at first seemed daunting will become simple, and you will soon be ready for new challenges. Read! Listen! Learn Arabic (if possible!) There is a wealth of wisdom just waiting to be discovered by you. And you, too, are waiting for it. So progress and enjoy!


Junior Member
mashallah thanks for sharing it really helps if a new muslim is surrounded by good practising muslims as in the beginning your not sure what is right and wrong and tend to look at how those who surround you practice until you have aquired the knowledge i advise all new muslims to try there very best if possible to join a class learn arabic with tajweed and understand fully why as musims we pray go to hajj etc knowledge is the key


Turn To Islam
mashallah thanks for sharing it really helps if a new muslim is surrounded by good practising muslims as in the beginning your not sure what is right and wrong and tend to look at how those who surround you practice until you have aquired the knowledge i advise all new muslims to try there very best if possible to join a class learn arabic with tajweed and understand fully why as musims we pray go to hajj etc knowledge is the key


Sure thing sister, I'd have to say the same also applies for our Muslim brothers and sisters who maybe found themselves not so practising and that now want to come back to the deen Inshallah.
