Advice on Glasgow Bombing:Must Read

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Seek The Almighty
Just wanted to mark this thread so that I can read the articles when I have time, or else I would lose the thread.


Servant of Allah
All this extremely sad really. And worst of all these guys were well educated doctors and were in well payed jobs. I can't understand what possessed them to do something so evil and sooooo stupid. What is wrong with them?

:salam2: I will tell u why they did this. because Britian and America have been going into Muslim countries destroying villages and raping women. they separate families and that is why many of the so called "terrorists" take revenge. You need to think beyond what the kufar say. they wouldn't just blow up places....Hello! their people, their mothers and fathers, their sisters, their country has been taken over by Kufar. Look at Palestine, Somalia, Iraq...and many other places. Don't be suprised by these attacks. they will continue to happen. Muslims suffer injustice and hate, so they fight back. this advice thing we read, to me it seems pathetic. we shouldn't be ashamed and we shouldn't feel sorry for the Kufars because anything bad that happens to them is something from their own hands. Brother stand by your brothers, not by the kufars.....and don't judge them without reason. don't just listen to the Media and believe because you got to look at why things are the way they are, and what these people did to have this happen to them. :salam2:


Junior Member
:salam2: I will tell u why they did this. because Britian and America have been going into Muslim countries destroying villages and raping women. they separate families and that is why many of the so called "terrorists" take revenge. You need to think beyond what the kufar say. they wouldn't just blow up places....Hello! their people, their mothers and fathers, their sisters, their country has been taken over by Kufar. Look at Palestine, Somalia, Iraq...and many other places. Don't be suprised by these attacks. they will continue to happen. Muslims suffer injustice and hate, so they fight back. this advice thing we read, to me it seems pathetic. we shouldn't be ashamed and we shouldn't feel sorry for the Kufars because anything bad that happens to them is something from their own hands. Brother stand by your brothers, not by the kufars.....and don't judge them without reason. don't just listen to the Media and believe because you got to look at why things are the way they are, and what these people did to have this happen to them. :salam2:


Can you support your views with sound quran and hadith.




Staff member
:salam2: I will tell u why they did this. because Britian and America have been going into Muslim countries destroying villages and raping women. they separate families and that is why many of the so called "terrorists" take revenge. You need to think beyond what the kufar say. they wouldn't just blow up places....Hello! their people, their mothers and fathers, their sisters, their country has been taken over by Kufar. Look at Palestine, Somalia, Iraq...and many other places. Don't be suprised by these attacks. they will continue to happen. Muslims suffer injustice and hate, so they fight back. this advice thing we read, to me it seems pathetic. we shouldn't be ashamed and we shouldn't feel sorry for the Kufars because anything bad that happens to them is something from their own hands. Brother stand by your brothers, not by the kufars.....and don't judge them without reason. don't just listen to the Media and believe because you got to look at why things are the way they are, and what these people did to have this happen to them. :salam2:

wa alaykum salam,

Nobody is apologising for anything. Nor are we not angry with the treatment of Muslims. I know how you feel, but, really the correct way is not to support people who do wrong things. We hate what the enemies of Islam and Muslims have done, but we certainly dont want to act and behave like them by doing the same evil actions!! Also, a lot of these takfiri extremist groups have a dark history and funding which often eminates from the secret services such as MI5, CIA etc. These extremists get their understanding from more recent 20th century political thinkers rather than the first 3 generation of Muslims!

Anyway, you obviously didnt see this:

Where does the Anger Come From? Why are some people so angry? Please see the following link for an eye opener:
Why Angry Protests? Islam Does Not Condone Violence and Calls for Patience! -

What people have to do is stop being ignorant of Islam and thinking with sheer emotion. Killing innocent people is haram. Calling CRIMINALS "So called Terrorists" is wrong. They are terrorists and they are murderers. No matter what reasoning they might have. They will always be murderers. Revenge killing of women and kids is not from Islam. They dont look at who they kill, they dont care.

These people of same mentality will not stop to kill other Muslim either. They do that already in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine and all over the place.

Muslims have humanity, we DO and should feel sorry for any innocent woman or child killed by cowards who think they are Islamic. We speak up against all crimes no matter who does them. We are the brave ones, because even though we are being hurt, we have patience and do things the right way as Allah and the Prophet Muhammad :saw: taught us.

Im a Muslim from Britain, born here. I didnt go and invade any country. I and the 3 million other muslims dont support the Wa.r. There are Millions of Muslims in Europe and America and around the world.

The Takfiri will not even think TWICE before kidnapping and killing another Muslim from any European or American or even Muslim country. They have even killed Pakistanis, Turks and other Arabs in Iraq. They have bombed Muslim weddings in Jordan and Iraq.

What do you know about the Khawarij or those who do Takfir?

I think you should take your time to read all the replies here properly. Instead of jumping to conclusions. What is more pathetic than ignorance of Quran and Sunnah? What is more pathetic than supporting people who kill innocent women and kids? This doesnt just happen in London but, in Mosul, Baghdad, Amman and in many of our MUSLIM Cities.

These people are terrorists. Not "so called terrorists".

They are upon the teaching of the Takfiris. Takfiris are people who call other Muslims KAFR.. and they think it is OK to kill them. They are like the Khawarij. The Khawarij was a group that used to kill other Muslims for even the smallest of sins. The Prophet Muhammad :saw: said that the Khawarij would be the dogs of the hell-fire, they would be in the lowest depths of hellfire, even though they would spend all night in Ibaadah!! Perhaps you would like to go against the Prophet Muhammad :saw: and his companions by thinking that these were the best and bravest Muslims. Afterall, it was Dhul Khwaisirah the first Khariji who told the Prophet Muhammad :saw: to "Fear Allah".

Today, the terrorists who claim to be "Mujahideen" who claim to be "Muslim heroes" are the children of the Khawarij of the past. They have many of the same beliefs and ideas. The same arrogance and ignorance about Islam. They are not knowledgeable scholars or anything. Just emotional almost childlike people.

In Iraq, these khawarij kill other Muslims for the stupidest of things. There was one Iraqi Sunni brother, he had gone to see a Shaykh and got a tape cassette telling the Muslims in his city to not hurt or kidnap other Muslims. To not support the groups that attack police, that attack university professors, that kill doctors.

They brother went to Iraq and was giving the tape to others.. So that they did something good with their lives, not so they can start getting involved in banditry. So, the extremists got upset. Afterall, they need the "Islamic" excuse to recruit more idiots so they can go into people's houses and shops and take their money and belongings!!

The extremists started looking for the brother. He heard about this and went into hiding. They went to the brother's dad's cafe.. and inquired about him. When his dad said he didnt know where he was, they kidnapped his dad. His dad was in his 70s. They cut his Arm off and took his eye out as revenge. -

They do much much worse things then this. From bombing weddings to kidnapping and killing other kids. -- and I am not talking about Sunni / Shia.. but them killing other Sunni Muslims. People who pray and are good Muslims.

So, what do you know about what is happening in the world apart from thinking with emotions and what is on TV. It is for this reason that many fools end up joining them.

Such a naive understanding of the Islamic World and its problems is not going to achieve anything but more destruction for us.

Also, you should know that a lot of the extremists and big mouths that come on TV were once employed by the Secret service or infact still are. They have no honour.

And also, this is not a NEW thing. Muslims have always had various people invading and mistreating them!! The Sahaba didnt go and pour oil over themselves and set themselves on fire as that pathetic man in Glasgow airport did !! astaghfirullah. No, infact, if you look at the books and read something proper, you will know the Muslims in the past spoke and even fought against the Khawarij extremists.

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