Advise please


New Member
advice needed xx

Salaam everyone.
The reason I clicked on this forum is because it had Muslim Italian written. Now I have an issue which I would like o share and hopefully get some advice. In the past month I have met an Italian man who is not religion but catholic by name (meaning he does not practise the religion much) and his whole family are catholic. We have both fallen in love but I am a Muslim and obvious cannot marry a non-muslim as it is against Islam. I spoke to him about Islam and maybe learning and perhaps converting to the religion but he always said maybe and ignored the situation. Then last night I pushed it abit and asked him o give me a straight answer as I needed to know. He said he won’t convert and is not very interested in learning. He thinks its 2007 and religion has no place in the modern world. He is also inside worried about what his family will say.

What should I do? Any advice would be great. Neither family know about the situation and we would really like to make things work.

Love from RO


Junior Member

Allah is the greatest!!!. welcome sister to this website your online muslim community. many of our muslim brothers and sisters sees internet as something bad or not for muslims, thats why they dont have internet at their homes but what they dont realise is that internet is anything u do outside in real life i.e you can avoid drugs etc outside and u can do the same on the internet avoid the bad keywords you type etc.

Anyways i just wanted to stress that eventhough ur having difficulties we your brothers and sisters on this website and many other websites will try our best to help. and I pray that everything becomes easy for you during the operation that u gona have inshallah, and i pray that whatever choice u make will not upset anyone but rather guide them and please them.

I very much admire your courage to change your whole belief and to have found the truth in such place where there are no muslims. May Allah mak everything easy for you. Ameen

your brother in London


Junior Member

alhamdulilah that guided you and us to the right path

nice to have you here and may Allah make it easy for you


New Member
welcome sister

I am happy to have you with our community, Allah is rahim with you (soubhanahou wa taala),then you can be very glad because you choose the right way which its given you peace and quiet in this life and take you to a paradise in the other one in shaa Allah.
Please don’t feel alone ,we are your family ,and we pray for you , same if we are far from/to each other, we think to you and hope than your mum will release the truth one day and .
Don’t forget you are muslim you are the best

Love my islam

Junior Member
Welcome to Islam. Praise be to Allah who chooses whome He wants to guide. He selected you from a remote area of Italy from a catholic family. Allahoakbar.

Just keep asking questions to gain knowledge to become strong in Imaan. There are so many knowledgeable brothers and sisters in this family of turntoislam. Knowledge is power and its the tool you can use when you are ready to tell your family. But for now just be patience and pray for this jouney to be easy. Allah is so mercifull, He will make it easy for you InshaAllah. May Allah guide your family too. Ameen.


Junior Member
Welcome Sister,

Assalamualaikum Sister,

Welcome to this great website..:) May you acquire as much knowledge as possible about Islam sister.. :)





Junior Member
Welcome italianmuslimah. I have family members that moved in Italy, near Milan, for some years now and they are very happy to be there. I am romanian so our history is related a bit.

Im going through the same situation as i have studied islam and accepted it and i can not tell my mother yet couse she would be so upset on me.
I recomend look over my post "How do i tell my mother" from the same section because muslims here gave me good advices and it helps a lot with keeping islam.

Wish you all the best


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
salaam alikom

May Allah make it easy on you sister, I moved your thread to here inshallah Brother and Sisters can help you with good advise and keep your Iman (faith) strong inshallah Allah will open doors for you

wa salaam alikom


Junior Member
Assalamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

sister Romesa,

May Allah subhanhu wat3ala help you.

You said:
but I am a Muslim and obvious cannot marry a non-muslim as it is against Islam

He don't want to be muslim, so be patient and search for someone who is a muslim. A muslim is better than a mushrik or someone who follows his own desires.

And also if you give up something for the sake of Allah, Allah subhanahu wata3ala will give you something better, so be patient.

May Allah subhanahu wata3la give you more patients.

Wassalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,



Staff member

Welcome to the website, Im not sure why everyone has ignored your questions lol.. It so strange.

Anyway, you are welcome here dear sister, please accept our sincere advice as your brothers and sisters in ISlam. We are here to help you and try our best to be a family, an Ummah as Allah the most high has commanded for us.

I will get to the point: You must Stop talking to him! It is a load of nonsense, this man you have only met for one month and now you wish to marry him??

Dear sister, this is definitely not Love. Love is something GOOD and from Allah. Allah puts love between the hearts of his believing Men and Women. Allah puts love only in the Halal Relationship. THat is a Relationship based upon the Quran and the Sunnah.

The so called "love" or attraction found in haram thing is not from Allah, but Shaytan who wishes for you to do haram and wants to weaken your faith.

You know that this relationship is haram, yet you continue to do so. You have spoken about your parents not knowing or finding out, you have kept it secret from them, BUT, sister you have to remember that ALLAH is watching you. We should be fearing Allah more than anyone else. More than our parents, more than our brothers or sisters.

It is due to the lack of Iman that we sin and do such things. If we as Muslims remember Allah, strive hard to stick to the Quran and Sunnah and do our obligatory actions, the Shaytaan (satan) will never ever get a chance to destroy our lives.

The Shaytan wants to destroy our lives, he wants us to be hurt, he wants our families to be broken, our hearts to be corrupted, he wants us to be amongst those wretched people who do not fear Allah and who are destined to the Hell-fire!! Astaghfirullah.

This feeling you have for this man is from the Shaytaan! Firstly, look at the situation from an outside view point. You hardly know this person, its only 1 month... and also, this person has no idea about ISlam, he has no love for Allah and his Prophet :saw:, how can you have love for such a person? - Think about it, how will your life be with such a person? and how would it be with a God fearing Muslim, someone who does Wudhu, washes himself before prayers, has good hygiene, who loves and respects you properly, like a real man who studies and lives according to the Quran and Sunnah should. Marriage is for LIFE. Infact,Marriage is something that lasts Longer than your life, inshaAllah it continues happily into the NEXT LIFE, in heaven too. - But, that is not going to happen unless you marry a good Muslim man.

If someone does not love Allah, the one who created them, who has given them so much from his mercy and also does not love Allah's Prophet and Messenger :saw: who was the Most noblest of men and who came as the last and final Messenger -- what makes you think they will love you forever?


Is this something that Allah wants for you?? or something that Iblis (the devil) wants?

The only proper and correct way to get married in Islam is by doing so in accordance with the Islamic Law.

Allah the most High and his blessed Prophet Muhammad :saw: have given us what we need to have successful marriage.

We should love Allah and keep our Islam at the highest position in our hearts. When you get married and have children, you will want them to be Muslim too.

It is haram for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim. The best thing for you to do is to stop this talk as soon as possible.

Allah will give you someone much better and decent. Just remember Allah, and do your obligatory actions such as praying 5x, Fasting in the Month of Ramadan.

Remember, this life is short and full of trials and tribulations that we must all face and get through. So be patient!! Allah is with the patient. Try your best to be good Muslimah, we are all same here. We all make mistakes, but together we must hold on to the Rope of Allah and be those who wish to follow his Commands.
