Allah yarana (Allah sees us)

warda A


Do you believe that for everything you do you are seen?

The story is from a book that they teach at school here, i think grade 2 or 3 under islamic studies.

The story goes something like this.
There was a young boy who was studying in the same class as older boys,he was always quite and obedient, the older boys though always made fun of him because he was younger than them,and they thought he was also not clever due to his age. one day the teacher asked the whole class to bring each a bird and a knife(cannot remember which bird) so as to slaughter them for food.
each boy came prepared, but he had a question, he told his students to go and hide anywhere and slaughter their birds, where they will not be seen, each boy went in search of a hiding place, and after some time all came back with their slaughtered birds apart from the young boy, the teacher started getting worried, but they continued to wait, after what seemed like hours the boy came back with his bird in hand but still alive, all the older boys laughed at him , but the teacher being wise told them to keep quite, so he asked the young boy why his bird is still alive.
the young boy told his teacher that he walked everywhere and looked everywhere but he couldn't find a place where he could hide and slaughter his bird without being seen., the teacher asked how come?
he answered :- because ALLAH Ta ala sees us everywhere.
Moral of story
1. Allah Ta ala sees us and our actions
2. never judge someone due to his age.
That was the lesson their teacher wanted them (older boys) to learn and from that day they truly loved and respected the young boy.


warda A



most people forget that every tinny thing we do is seen and recorded
this is just a reminder.
jazakallahu kheiran