Allah's Spirit


Junior Member
As Salamo Alekum

i had a question concering this verse 38:72 in which Allah SWT says concering the creation fo Adam (AS)

*{So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, then fall down making obeisance to him.}*

I know that Allah SWT is completely incomparable with his creation ( see surah al ikhlas) but does this mean in terms of Man and his connection to Allah SWT. And does with MY SPIRIT have a literal sense or does it mean the spirit created by Allah SWT in his possession?

please someone inform me



Junior Member
Assalamu alaikom, I am reading the interpretation in my Yusuf Ali translation - "the breathing of Allah's Spirit into man, i.e., the faculty of God-like knowledge and will, which, if rightly used, would give man superiority over other creatures"...... I hope this helps.



Junior Member
thanks bro

i found this

i understand it now, i just dont want to commit shirk and not realize it, because we as human beings have souls but Allah isnt related to his creation, so the soul or spirit is really his creation not a part of Allah, and Allah is far beyond the creation of his servants

thanks for taking the time to help Jazak Allah Khayr

any more info is still helpful
