alpha-carotene !!!!???

sandra canada

Laa ilaha illa Allah


Essential Nutrients in the World's Healthiest Foods
Essential nutrients are nutrients that your body can't make on its own. How these nutrients are introduced into your body may have a great impact on how well they are utilized. Nutrients do not work alone but in concert (synergistically) with other nutrients. The benefit of deriving nutrients from eating fresh whole foods such as those included on the list of the World's Healthiest Foods is that they provide not only an abundance of individual nutrients but also the variety necessary for their optimal function. This section is designed to inform you about the function of the various nutrients and which of the World's Healthiest Foods are the richest source for each of them.



What can foods rich in alpha-carotene do for you?
  • Protect your cells from the damaging effects of free radicals
  • Provide a source of vitamin A
  • Enhance the functioning of your immune system
  • Help your reproductive system function properly
What events and lifestyle factors can indicate a need for more foods that are rich in alpha-carotene?
  • Smoking and regular alcohol consumption
  • Low intake of fruits and vegetables
Food sources of alpha-carotene include carrots, winter squash, tomatoes, green beans, cilantro and Swiss chard. To maximize the availability of the carotenoids in the foods listed above, the foods should be eaten raw or steamed lightly.


What is alpha-carotene?

Alpha-carotene is one of the most abundant carotenoids in the North American diet. It is a "provitamin A"compound, one of approximately 50 carotenoids able to be converted in the body into retinol, an active form of vitamin A. Alpha-carotene has approximately one-half of the vitamin A activity of beta-carotene.
How it Functions

What are the functions of alpha-carotene?

Preventing Vitamin A Deficiency

Until late in the 20th Century, the functions of carotenoids, including alpha-carotene, were discussed only in terms of their potential vitamin A activity. Alpha-carotene is one of approximately 50 carotenoids of the known 600, that are called "provitamin A" compounds because the body can convert them into retinol, an active form of vitamin A.

As a result, foods that contain alpha-carotene can help prevent vitamin A deficiency. In addition to beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, alpha-carotene is among the most commonly consumed provitamin A carotenoids in the North American diet.
Antioxidant & Immune-Enhancing Activity

In recent years, carotenoids including alpha-carotene have received a tremendous amount of attention as potential anti-cancer and anti-aging compounds. Alpha-carotene is a powerful antioxidant, protecting the cells of the body from damage caused by free radicals.
Promoting Proper Cell Communication

In addition to their antioxidant and immune-enhancing activity, carotenoids including alpha-carotene have shown the ability to stimulate cell to cell communication. Researchers now believe that poor communication between cells may be one of the causes of the overgrowth of cells, a condition which eventually leads to cancer. By promoting proper communication between cells, carotenoids may play a role in cancer prevention.
Deficiency Symptoms

What are deficiency symptoms for alpha-carotene?

A low dietary intake of carotenoids such as alpha-carotene is not known to directly cause any diseases or health conditions, at least in the short term. However, if your intake of vitamin A is also low, a dietary deficiency of alpha-carotene and/or other provitamin A carotenoids can cause the symptoms associated with vitamin A deficiency.

In addition, long-term inadequate intake of carotenoids is associated with chronic disease, including heart disease and various cancers. One important mechanism for this carotenoid-disease relationship appears to be free radicals. Research indicates that diets low in alpha-carotene and carotenoids can increase the body's susceptibility to damage from free radicals. As a result, over the long term, alpha-carotene deficient diets may increase tissue damage from free radical activity, and increase risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancers.
Toxicity Symptoms

What are toxicity symptoms for alpha-carotene?

High intake of carotenoid-containing foods or supplements is not associated with any toxic side effects. As a result, the Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences did not establish a Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for carotenoids when it reviewed these compounds in 2000.
Impact of Cooking, Storage and Processing

How do cooking, storage, or processing affect alpha-carotene?

In certain cases, cooking can improve the availability of carotenoids in foods. For example, lightly steaming carrots and spinach improves your body's ability to absorb the carotenoids in these foods.
Factors that Affect Function

What factors might contribute to a deficiency of alpha-carotene?

Carotenoids such as alpha-carotene are fat-soluble substances, and as such require the presence of dietary fat for proper absorption through the digestive tract. Consequently, your alpha-carotene status may be impaired by a diet that is extremely low in fat or if you have a medical condition that causes a reduction in the ability to absorb dietary fat such as pancreatic enzyme deficiency, Crohn's disease, celiac sprue, cystic fibrosis, surgical removal of part or all of the stomach, gall bladder disease, and liver disease.

Due to low consumption of fruits and vegetables, many adolescents and young adults do not take in enough carotenoids. In addition, if you smoke cigarettes and/or drink alcohol, you may have lower than normal blood levels of alpha-carotene. Statistically speaking, smokers and drinkers eat fewer foods that contain carotenoids such as alpha-carotene. Also, researchers suspect that cigarette smoke destroys carotenoids. However, if you do smoke or drink, use carotenoid supplements with caution.
Drug-Nutrient Interactions

What medications affect alpha-carotene?

The cholesterol-lowering medications referred to as bile acid sequestrants (Cholestyramine, Colestipol, and Colestid) lower blood levels of carotenoids. In addition, margarines enriched with plant sterols such as Benecol and Take Control, may decrease the absorption of carotenoids. Olestra, a fat substitute added to snack foods, may also decrease the absorption of carotenoids.
Nutrient Interactions

How do other nutrients interact with beta-carotene?

Supplementing your diet with pectin may decrease the absorption of carotenoids.
Health Conditions

Carotenoids may play a role in the prevention of the following health conditions:
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Angina pectoris
  • Cataracts
  • Cervical cancer
  • Cervical dysplasia
  • Chlamydial infection
  • Heart disease
  • Laryngeal cancer (cancer of the larynx)
  • Lung cancer
  • Male and female infertility
  • Photosensitivity
  • Pneumonia
  • Prostate cancer
  • Skin cancer
  • Vaginal candidiasis
Form in Dietary Supplements

What forms of alpha-carotene are found in dietary supplements?

In dietary supplements, alpha-carotene is available (with other carotenoids) from the algae Dunaliella, and from mixed carotenes from palm oil.

It is important to note, however, that, due to the inconsistent results from research studies aimed at evaluating the health benefits of beta-carotene supplements (which may also contain alpha-carotene), the National Academy of Sciences cautions against taking high dose carotenoid supplements, except as a method for preventing vitamin A deficiency.
Food Sources

Introduction to Nutrient Rating System Chart

The following chart shows the World's Healthiest Foods that are either excellent, very good or good sources of this nutrient. Next to each food name you will find the following information: the serving size of the food; the number of calories in one serving; DV% (percent daily value) of the nutrient contained in one serving (similar to other information presented in the website, this DV is calculated for 25-50 year old healthy woman); the nutrient density rating; and the food's World's Healthiest Foods Rating. Underneath the chart is a table that summarizes how the ratings were devised. Read detailed information on our Nutrient Rating System.

Food Source Analysis not Available for this Nutrient

Public Health Recommendations

What are current public health recommendations for alpha-carotene and carotenoids?

To date, no recommended dietary intake levels have been established for carotenoids. In an effort to set such recommendations, the Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences reviewed the existing scientific research on carotenoids in 2000.
Despite the large body of population-based research that links high consumption of foods containing beta-carotene and other carotenoids with a reduced risk of several chronic diseases, the Institute of Medicine concluded that this evidence was not strong enough to support a required carotenoid intake level because it is not yet known if the health benefits associated with carotenoid-containing foods are due to the carotenoids or to some other substance in the food.

However, the National Academy of Sciences supports the recommendations of various health agencies, which encourage individuals to consume five or more servings of fruits and vegetable every day.
  • Agarwal S, Rao AV. Carotenoids and chronic diseases. Drug Metabol Drug Interact 2000;17(1-4):189-210 2000. PMID:15130.
  • Burri BJ. Carotenoids and gene expression. Nutrition 2000 Jul-2000 Aug 31;16(7-8):577-8 2000. PMID:15140.
  • Chen J, He J, Hamm L et al. Serum antioxidant vitamins and blood pressure in the United States population. Hypertension 2002 Dec;40(6):810-6 2002.
  • Delgado-Vargas F, Jimenez AR, Paredes-Lopez O. Natural pigments: carotenoids, anthocyanins, and betalains-- characteristics, biosynthesis, processing, and stability. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2000 May;40(3):173-289 2000. PMID:15150.
  • Groff JL, Gropper SS, Hunt SM. Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism. West Publishing Company, New York, 1995 1995.
  • Handelman GJ. The evolving role of carotenoids in human biochemistry. Nutrition 2001 Oct;17(10):818-22 2001. PMID:15100.
  • Krinsky NI. Carotenoids as antioxidants. Nutrition 2001 Oct;17(10):815-7 2001. PMID:15110.
  • Krutovskikh V, Asamoto M, Takasuka N, Murakoshi M, Nishino H, Tsuda H. Differential dose-dependent effects of alpha-, beta-carotenes and lycopene on gap-junctional intercellular communication in rat liver in vivo. Jpn J Cancer Res 1997 Dec; 88(12):1121-4 1997.
  • Lininger SW, et al. A-Z guide to drug-herb-vitamin interactions. Prima Health, Rocklin, CA, 2000 2000.
  • Miller KL. Alternatives to estrogen for menopausal symptoms. Clin Obstet Gynecol 1992 Dec;35(4):884-93 1992.
  • Pizzorno J, Murray M. The Textbook of Natural Medicine. The Textbook of Natural Medicine 1998.
  • Young AJ, Lowe GM. Antioxidant and prooxidant properties of carotenoids. Arch Biochem Biophys 2001 Jan 1;385(1):20-7 2001. PMID:15120.
  • Zhang LX, Cooney RV, Bertram JS. Zhang LX, Cooney RV, Bertram JS. Carotenoids enhance gap junctional communication and inhibit lipid peroxidation in C3H/10T1/2 cells: relationship to their cancer chemopreventive action. Carcinogenesis 1991 Nov;12(11):2109-14 1991.

sandra canada

Laa ilaha illa Allah


What can foods rich in beta-carotene do for you?
  • Protect your cells from the damaging effects of free radicals
  • Provide a source of vitamin A
  • Enhance the functioning of your immune system
  • Help your reproductive system function properly
What events and lifestyle factors can indicate a need for more foods that are rich in beta-carotene?
  • Low intake of fruits and vegetables
  • Smoking and regular alcohol consumption Unlike supplements, foods rich in beta-carotene pose no lung cancer risk. Synthetic beta-carotene supplements have been found to increase the risk of both colorectal and lung cancer in smokers, especially those who also drink alcohol. A study published by an international team in the January 2004 issue of Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention indicates that beta-carotene consumed as part of whole foods has no such negative effects. This study, which pooled data from seven large cohort studies running between 7 and 16 years and involving a subject population of 399,765 participants in North America and Europe, found that beta-carotene from foods was not associated with any increased risk of lung cancer among current smokers or non-smokers. Other carotenoids in foods (lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene) were also found to have no association with lung cancer risk. (February 26, 2004)
Food sources of beta-carotene include sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, spinach, turnip greens, winter squash, collard greens, cilantro and fresh thyme. To maximize the availability of the carotenoids in the foods listed above, the foods should be eaten raw or steamed lightly.

For serving size for specific foods, see Nutrient Rating Chart below at the bottom of this page.
What is beta-carotene?

Beta-carotene is probably the most well known of the carotenoids, a phytonutrients family that represents of the one most widespread groups of naturally occurring pigments. It is one of the most abundant carotenoids in the North American diet as well as one of approximately 50 carotenoids known as "provitamin A"compounds, able to be converted in the body into retinol, an active form of vitamin A.
While beta-carotene produces colors in the orange and yellow range, beta-carotene rich foods may be other colors besides from these two. That is because other phytonutrients pigments blend together with the beta-carotene to give the plant food its unique hue that, in addition to orange or yellow, could be other colors including pink, red or white. How it Functions
What are the functions of beta-carotene?

Preventing Vitamin A Deficiency

Until late in the 20th Century, the functions of carotenoids, including beta-carotene, were discussed only in terms of their potential vitamin A activity. Beta-carotene is one of approximately 50 carotenoids of the known 600, that are called "provitamin A" compounds because the body can convert them into retinol, an active form of vitamin A.
As a result, foods that contain beta-carotene can help prevent vitamin A deficiency. In addition to alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, beta-carotene is among the most commonly consumed provitamin A carotenoids in the North American diet. Antioxidant & Immune-Enhancing Activity

In recent years, carotenoids including beta-carotene have received a tremendous amount of attention as potential anti-cancer and anti-aging compounds. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant, protecting the cells of the body from damage caused by free radicals. It is also one of the carotenoids believed to enhance the function of the immune system. Promoting Proper Cell Communication

In addition to their antioxidant and immune-enhancing activity, carotenoids including beta-carotene have shown the ability to stimulate cell to cell communication. Researchers now believe that poor communication between cells may be one of the causes of the overgrowth of cells, a condition which eventually leads to cancer. By promoting proper communication between cells, carotenoids may play a role in cancer prevention. Supporting Reproductive Health

It is also believed that beta-carotene may participate in female reproduction. Although its exact function in female reproduction has not yet been identified, it is known that the corpus luteum has the highest concentration of beta-carotene of any organ in the body, suggesting that this nutrient plays an important role in reproductive processes. Deficiency Symptoms
What are deficiency symptoms for beta-carotene?

A low dietary intake of carotenoids such as beta-carotene is not known to directly cause any diseases or health conditions, at least in the short term. However, if your intake of vitamin A is also low, a dietary deficiency of beta-carotene and/or other provitamin A carotenoids can cause the symptoms associated with vitamin A deficiency.
In addition, long-term inadequate intake of carotenoids is associated with chronic disease, including heart disease and various cancers. One important mechanism for this carotenoid-disease relationship appears to be free radicals. Research indicates that diets low in beta-carotene and carotenoids can increase the body's susceptibility to damage from free radicals. As a result, over the long term, beta-carotene deficient diets may increase tissue damage from free radical activity, and increase risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancers. Toxicity Symptoms
What are toxicity symptoms for beta-carotene?

A tell-tale sign of excessive consumption of beta-carotene is a yellowish discoloration of the skin, most often occurring in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. This condition is called carotenodermia, and is reversible and harmless.
High intake of carotenoid-containing foods or supplements is not associated with any toxic side effects. As a result, the Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences did not establish a Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for carotenoids when it reviewed these compounds in 2000.
However, the results of two research studies indicate that those who smoke heavily and drink alcohol regularly, may increase their chance of developing lung cancer and/or heart disease if they take beta-carotene supplements in amounts greater than 20-30 milligrams per day. Impact of Cooking, Storage and Processing
How do cooking, storage, or processing affect beta-carotene?

In certain cases, cooking can improve the availability of carotenoids in foods. Lightly steaming carrots and spinach improves your body's ability to absorb carotenoids in these foods.
It is important to note, however, that in most cases, prolonged cooking of vegetables decreases the availability of carotenoids by changing the shape of the carotenoid from its natural trans-configuration to a cis-configuration. For example, fresh carrots contain 100% all-trans beta-carotene, while canned carrots contain only 73% all-trans beta-carotene. Factors that Affect Function
What factors might contribute to a deficiency of beta-carotene?

Carotenoids are fat-soluble substances, and as such require the presence of dietary fat for proper absorption through the digestive tract. Consequently, your carotenoid status may be impaired by a diet that is extremely low in fat or if you have a medical condition that causes a reduction in the ability to absorb dietary fat such as pancreatic enzyme deficiency, Crohn's disease, celiac sprue, cystic fibrosis, surgical removal of part or all of the stomach, gall bladder disease, and liver disease.
Due to low consumption of fruits and vegetables, many adolescents and young adults do not take in enough beta-carotene. In addition, if you smoke cigarettes and/or drink alcohol, you may have lower than normal blood levels of beta-carotene. Statistically speaking, smokers and drinkers eat fewer foods that contain carotenoids such as beta-carotene. Also, researchers suspect that cigarette smoke destroys carotenoids. However, if you do smoke or drink, use carotenoid supplements with caution (see Toxicity section). Drug-Nutrient Interactions
What medications affect beta-carotene?

The cholesterol-lowering medications referred to as bile acid sequestrants (Cholestyramine, Colestipol, and Colestid) lower blood levels of carotenoids. In addition, margarines enriched with plant sterols such as Benecol and Take Control, may decrease the absorption of carotenoids. Olestra, a fat substitute added to snack foods, may also decrease the absorption of carotenoids. Nutrient Interactions
How do other nutrients interact with beta-carotene?

Beta-carotene supplements reduce blood levels of lutein while they may also increase blood levels of beta-cryptoxanthin.
Supplementing your diet with pectin may decrease the absorption of carotenoids. Health Conditions

Carotenoids may play a role in the prevention of the following health conditions:
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Angina pectoris
  • Asthma
  • Cataracts
  • Cervical cancer
  • Cervical dysplasia
  • Chlamydial infection
  • Heart disease
  • Laryngeal cancer (cancer of the larynx)
  • Lung cancer
  • Male and female infertility
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Photosensitivity
  • Pneumonia
  • Prostate cancer
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Skin cancer
  • Vaginal candidiasis
Form in Dietary Supplements
What forms of beta-carotene are found in dietary supplements?

In dietary supplements, beta-carotene is available as synthetic all-trans beta-carotene, beta- and alpha-carotene from the algae Dunaliella, and mixed carotenes from palm oil.
It is important to note, however, that, due to the inconsistent results from research studies aimed at evaluating the health benefits of beta-carotene supplements, the National Academy of Sciences cautions against taking high dose carotenoid supplements, except as a method for preventing vitamin A deficiency. Food Sources
What foods provide beta-carotene?

Beta-carotene can be found in concentrated amounts in a variety of foods including sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, spinach, turnip greens, winter squash, collard greens, cilantro, fresh thyme, cantaloupe, romaine lettuce and broccoli.
Food Source Analysis not Available for this NutrientPublic Health Recommendations
What are current public health recommendations for beta-carotene and carotenoids?

To date, no recommended dietary intake levels have been established for carotenoids. In an effort to set such recommendations, the Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences reviewed the existing scientific research on carotenoids in 2000.
Despite the large body of population-based research that links high consumption of foods containing beta-carotene and other carotenoids with a reduced risk of several chronic diseases, the Institute of Medicine concluded that this evidence was not strong enough to support a required carotenoid intake level because it is not yet known if the health benefits associated with carotenoid-containing foods are due to the carotenoids or to some other substance in the food.

However, the National Academy of Sciences supports the recommendations of various health agencies, which encourage individuals to consume five or more servings of fruits and vegetable every day. This level of intake of fruits and vegetables provides approximately three to six milligrams of beta-carotene. References
  • Agarwal S, Rao AV. Carotenoids and chronic diseases. Drug Metabol Drug Interact 2000;17(1-4):189-210 2000. PMID:15130.
  • Burri BJ. Carotenoids and gene expression. Nutrition 2000 Jul-2000 Aug 31;16(7-8):577-8 2000. PMID:15140.
  • Chen J, He J, Hamm L et al. Serum antioxidant vitamins and blood pressure in the United States population. Hypertension 2002 Dec;40(6):810-6 2002.
  • Delgado-Vargas F, Jimenez AR, Paredes-Lopez O. Natural pigments: carotenoids, anthocyanins, and betalains-- characteristics, biosynthesis, processing, and stability. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2000 May;40(3):173-289 2000. PMID:15150.
  • Groff JL, Gropper SS, Hunt SM. Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism. West Publishing Company, New York, 1995 1995.
  • Handelman GJ. The evolving role of carotenoids in human biochemistry. Nutrition 2001 Oct;17(10):818-22 2001. PMID:15100.
  • Krinsky NI. Carotenoids as antioxidants. Nutrition 2001 Oct;17(10):815-7 2001. PMID:15110.
  • Lininger SW, et al. A-Z guide to drug-herb-vitamin interactions. Prima Health, Rocklin, CA, 2000 2000.
  • Mannisto S, Smith-Warner SA, Spiegelman D, Albanes D, Anderson K, van den Brandt PA, Cerhan JR, Colditz G, Feskanich D, Freudenheim JL, Giovannucci E, Goldbohm RA, Graham S, Miller AB, Rohan TE, Virta. Dietary carotenoids and risk of lung cancer in a pooled analysis of seven cohort studies. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. PMID:14744731.
  • Pizzorno J, Murray M. The Textbook of Natural Medicine. The Textbook of Natural Medicine 1998.
  • Young AJ, Lowe GM. Antioxidant and prooxidant properties of carotenoids. Arch Biochem Biophys 2001 Jan 1;385(1):20-7 2001. PMID:15120.

sandra canada

Laa ilaha illa Allah


What can food rich in beta-cryptoxanthin do for you?

Protect your cells from the damaging effects of free radicals
Provide a source of vitamin A
Reduce your risk of lung cancer: A study published by an international team in the January 2004 issue of Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention reported that beta-cryptoxanthin reduced lung cancer risk by more than 30% for those whose diets provided the highest amounts of this carotenoid, and concluded, "Although smoking is the strongest risk factor for lung cancer, greater intake of foods high in beta-cryptoxanthin, such as citrus fruit, may modestly lower the risk." Beta-cryptoxanthin has previously been shown to provide a 41% reduction in the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.
Lower your risk of inflammatory polyarthritis: In a study published in the August 2005 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers in the U.K., following 25,000 people, found that among those who developed inflammatory polyarthritis, average intakes of beta-cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin-were 40% and 20% lower, respectively, than in those who did not develop the inflammatory disease. In contrast, those whose diets provided the highest intakes of beta-cryptoxanthin were only half as likely to develop arthritis over 7 to 15 years as those with the lowest intakes.
What events and lifestyle factors can indicate a need for more foods rich in beta cryptoxanthin foods?

Smoking and regular alcohol consumption
Low intake of fruits and vegetables
Food sources of beta cryptoxanthin include red bell peppers, papaya, cilantro, oranges, corn and watermelon.

For serving size for specific foods, see Nutrient Rating Chart below at the bottom of this page.

Deficiency Symptoms
Toxicity Symptoms
Cooking, storage and processing
Factors that affect function
Drug-nutrient interaction
Nutrient interaction
Health conditions
Food Sources
Public Recommendations


What is beta cryptoxanthin?

Beta-cryptoxanthin, classified chemically as a xanthophyll, is one of the most abundant carotenoids in the North American diet. It is a "provitamin A"compound, one of approximately 50 carotenoids able to be converted in the body into retinol, an active form of vitamin A. Beta cryptoxanthin has approximately one-half of the vitamin A activity of beta-carotene.

How it Functions

What are the functions of beta cryptoxanthin?

Preventing Vitamin A Deficiency

Until late in the 20th Century, the functions of carotenoids, including beta-cryptoxanthin, were discussed only in terms of their potential vitamin A activity. It is one of approximately 50 carotenoids of the known 600 that are called "provitamin A" compounds because the body can convert them into retinol, an active form of vitamin A. As a result, foods that contain beta-cryptoxanthin can help prevent vitamin A deficiency. In addition to beta-cryptoxanthin, some of the other most commonly consumed provitamin A carotenoids include beta-carotene and alpha-carotene.

Anti-cancer properties

In recent years, carotenoids including beta-cryptoxanthin have received a tremendous amount of attention for their antioxidant activity as well as their potential as anti-cancer and anti-aging compounds. Increased intake of this carotenoid has been found to be associated with reduced risk of esophageal and lung cancer. Lower levels of beta-cryptoxanthin have been found in the colonic tissues of patients who have colon polyps while in laboratory animals, intake of beta-cryptoxanthin was found to be protective against colon cancer. In exploring the mechanisms behind its cancer protective activity, researchers have suggested that in addition to its ability to quench free radicals, its benefits may be related to its potential to stimulate expression of RB gene, an anti-oncogene that functions to protect cells from becoming cancerous.

Enhancing Lung Function

Research suggests that beta-cryptoxanthin may promote the health of the respiratory tract. Serum concentrations of this carotenoid have been found to be associated with improved lung function as measured by functional tests. Studies have suggested that decreased lung cancer risk is associated with higher dietary intake and higher serum levels of beta-cryptoxanthin while persons who smoke as well as those who inhale second hand smoke have been found to have lower levels of this carotenoid.

Deficiency Symptoms

What are deficiency symptoms for beta-cryptoxanthin?

A low dietary intake of carotenoids such as beta-cryptoxanthin is not known to directly cause any diseases or health conditions, at least in the short term. However, if your intake of vitamin A is also low, a dietary deficiency of beta-cryptoxanthin and/or other provitamin A carotenoids can cause the symptoms associated with vitamin A deficiency.

In addition, long-term inadequate intake of carotenoids is associated with chronic disease, including heart disease and various cancers. One important mechanism for this carotenoid-disease relationship appears to be free radicals. Research indicates that diets low in carotenoids can increase the body's susceptibility to damage from free radicals. As a result, over the long term, carotenoid-deficient diets may increase tissue damage from free radical activity, and increase risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancers.

Toxicity Symptoms

What are toxicity symptoms for beta-cryptoxanthin?

High intake of carotenoid-containing foods or supplements is not associated with any toxic side effects. As a result, the Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences did not establish a Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for carotenoids when it reviewed these compounds in 2000.

Impact of Cooking, Storage and Processing

How do cooking, storage, or processing affect beta-cryptoxanthin?

There is minimal research specifically focusing upon the effects of cooking, storage or processing upon beta-crytoxanthin.

Factors that Affect Function

What factors might contribute to a deficiency of beta-cryptoxanthin?

Carotenoids, such as beta-cryptoxanthin, are fat-soluble substances, and as such require the presence of dietary fat for proper absorption through the digestive tract. Consequently, your beta-cryptoxanthin status may be impaired by a diet that is extremely low in fat or if you have a medical condition that causes a reduction in the ability to absorb dietary fat such as pancreatic enzyme deficiency, Crohn's disease, celiac sprue, cystic fibrosis, surgical removal of part or all of the stomach, gall bladder disease, and liver disease.

Due to low consumption of fruits and vegetables, many adolescents and young adults do not take in enough carotenoids. In addition, if you smoke cigarettes and/or drink alcohol, you may have lower than normal blood levels of beta-cryptoxanthin. Statistically speaking, smokers and drinkers eat fewer foods that contain carotenoids such as beta-cryptoxanthin. Also, researchers suspect that cigarette smoke destroys carotenoids. However, if you do smoke or drink, use carotenoid supplements with caution.

Drug-Nutrient Interactions

What medications affect carotenoids such as beta-crytoxanthin?

The cholesterol-lowering medications referred to as bile acid sequestrants (Cholestyramine, Colestipol, and Colestid) lower blood levels of carotenoids. In addition, margarines enriched with plant sterols such as Benecol and Take Control, may decrease the absorption of carotenoids. Olestra, a fat substitute added to snack foods, may also decrease the absorption of carotenoids.

Nutrient Interactions

How do other nutrients interact with beta-cryptoxanthin?

Beta-carotene supplements increase blood levels of beta-cryptoxanthin while supplementing your diet with pectin may decrease the absorption of carotenoids.

Health Conditions

What health conditions require special emphasis on beta-cryptoxanthin and carotenoids?

Carotenoids may play a role in the prevention of the following health conditions:

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Age-related macular degeneration
Angina pectoris
Cervical cancer
Cervical dysplasia
Chlamydial infection
Heart disease
Laryngeal cancer (cancer of the larynx)
Lung cancer
Male and female infertility
Prostate cancer
Rheumatoid arthritis
Skin cancer
Vaginal candidiasis
Form in Dietary Supplements

What forms of beta-cryptoxanthin are found in dietary supplements?

In dietary supplements, beta-cryptoxanthin is often found in supplements that feature an array of naturally occurring carotenoids.

It is important to note, however, that, due to the inconsistent results from research studies aimed at evaluating the health benefits of beta-carotene supplements (which may also contain beta-cryptoxanthin), the National Academy of Sciences cautions against taking high dose carotenoid supplements, except as a method for preventing vitamin A deficiency.

Food Sources

What foods provide beta-cryptoxanthin?

Food sources of beta-cryptoxanthin include red bell peppers, papaya, cilantro, oranges, corn, watermelon, serrano pepper, avocadoes, and grapefruit.

Food Source Analysis not Available for this Nutrient
Public Health Recommendations

What are current public health recommendations for beta-cryptoxanthin and carotenoids?

To date, no recommended dietary intake levels have been established for beta-cryptoxanthin and carotenoids. In an effort to set such recommendations, the Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences reviewed the existing scientific research on carotenoids in 2000.

Despite the large body of population-based research that links high consumption of foods containing beta-carotene and other carotenoids with a reduced risk of several chronic diseases, the Institute of Medicine concluded that this evidence was not strong enough to support a required carotenoid intake level because it is not yet known if the health benefits associated with carotenoid-containing foods are due to the carotenoids or to some other substance in the food.

However, the National Academy of Sciences supports the recommendations of various health agencies, which encourage individuals to consume five or more servings of fruits and vegetable every day.


Agarwal S, Rao AV. Carotenoids and chronic diseases. Drug Metabol Drug Interact 2000;17(1-4):189-210 2000. PMID:15130.
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Pearl of Islaam

Assalamu Allaicomu dear sister Sandra.

Mashallah dear sister for this educative article and thank you very much for your effort.

I usually eat heathy food,and I love fruits and honey very much as it very good for heath,and delicious too.:):SMILY252:

May Allah bless you and reword you dear sister.:SMILY252:


sandra canada

Laa ilaha illa Allah
Assalamu Allaicomu dear sister Sandra.

Mashallah dear sister for this educative article and thank you very much for your effort.

I usually eat heathy food,and I love fruits and honey very much as it very good for heath,and delicious too.:):SMILY252:

May Allah bless you and reword you dear sister.:SMILY252:

wa Alikum al salam wahmrtu Allah wabrkatu dearest sister Asja
eat well and get the best health insha ALLAH:hijabi:
Masha Allah thanks for your delicate comment May Allah bless you and enter you Forddos ameen


Pearl of Islaam
wa Alikum al salam wahmrtu Allah wabrkatu dearest sister Asja
eat well and get the best health insha ALLAH:hijabi:
Masha Allah thanks for your delicate comment May Allah bless you and enter you Forddos ameen

Allaicomu Salam

You are most welcome dearest sister Sandra.

Thank you sister for your beatiful words always and I pray for you the same.

May Allah reword you dear sister for effort that you are giving for lslam and your kindess Mashallah.
