And What have you done for her?!


Junior Member
SubhanAllah, it is a sad clip but also a reminder that wemust cherish our parents, esp. our Mother as ~jannat' is found under the feet of our Mother'.
:salam2: True there is nobody like ones mother in general. But i know someone who took care of her mother in law for 10 yrs. her mother in law was paralized. But her daughter in law took care of her cleaned her . So not all women who are not someones mother are bad. In general mother is the best but there are some wonderful women who show a mothers love to others.


Servant of Allah
sister basicofislam you're right. i know some women who take care of others for the sake of Allah as if those women were their mothers. MashaAllah. jazakaAllahu khayran. asalamu alaykum wrwb.