answer please


Junior Member
brothers/sisters. A question and I need some suggestion.

You are living in city "A". group of people wants to go in city "B". But you know the fact that in city "B", there is a huge fire, none would be spared.The
people ar ignorant about the fire and they are on the way.

what would you do as muslims and human - beings. ?


Trying 2 plz ALLAH
As Salaamu Alaikum, try 2 counsle them give them as much knowledge as u can if they r not Muslim leave the rest 2 ALLAH


spread the peace
As Salaamu Alaikum, try 2 counsle them give them as much knowledge as u can if they r not Muslim leave the rest 2 ALLAH
wonee3 gave you the ideal answer no more can be added
unless you can pray for them to be granted guidance by Allah.


Junior Member
I would get clever and try and find a reason for them not to go......arent we supposed to try and save our brothers and sisters? thats what i would hope you would all do for me. I would hope someone would grab at my ankles if I was walking head first into danger that I wasnt seeing. I guess i would lie if need be...i would try to convince them, but i wouldnt physically stop someone doing anything really.....(but theyd get a good ear full first)

This thread has reminded me of a prayer that I was told about when I was a catholic....I dont think it matters....we can all learn from the prayer....

God grant me the serenity to accept the thngs I can not change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Just because we allow for the will of God, doesnt mean we need not be active......